Chapter Sixty-Five

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A/N: Hello everyone! I just want to say thank you so much to everyone who has supported this story and continues to. I apologize for the late updates. Life has become increasingly difficult to juggle but I am doing my best. I have typically been able to make time for this story regardless of life struggles but that has also become difficult. I have such big dreams for this story and so many ideas that I have been crashing under the weight of it. I just want this story to be perfect but I realize that perfectionism is impossible and I should, instead, strive for consistency.

Please have patience with me and the story! I promise there will be lots of pay offs! Thank you for all your love and support!

          Leslie's arrival was met with little fanfare.

          In fact, Naty had no clue that Leslie had touched down in South Korea until she came upon the woman sitting inside of Tara and Ashley's office. The day before had been spent with Chan busy shooting Stray Kids material while Naty bought her return ticket for his birthday and caught her friends up on the drama. There was no hint of Leslie on the continent yet suddenly she was there.

          The scene played out for her like a horror film. Naty was so transfixed by the knowledge that Tara and Ashley were not part of JYPE and instead contracted by JYPE that she could focus on nothing else. The office was a modest size in Gangnam with its own waiting lounge and receptionist. Three offices took up the back with one occupied by another individual on their team with his own set of clients. The vibe of welcome, calm, and acceptance had Naty off-kilter. Everything seemed out of a Pinterest board for "peaceful/comfortable office space." It was so totally unlike the duo and so Naty was transfixed by the whole thing.

          Until Tara opened the door and Naty was faced with her manager.

          Naty had never met the woman in person—everything had always been over the phone, facetime, or zoom—so, when she stood, the height of the woman had Naty take a few steps back.

          Leslie smirked, "I get that reaction a lot. Before you ask, I'm 6'2" and no I'm not going to step on you."

          "I wasn't going to ask!" Naty laughed nervously before shaking the woman's hand, "It's nice to finally meet you in the flesh."

          "Yeah, I would have preferred to meet in a different setting but..." Leslie casted a side-eye glace to Ashley who returned the look.

          "BUT someone wasn't doing their job correctly," Ashley snapped.

          It seemed as though the desk between them was less about furniture and more about keeping the two apart.

          "Ladies, ladies. Didn't we already have this discussion before Naty got here?" Tara's pleasant tone threw Naty for a loop. The two women let out a deep breath before acknowledging that she was right. Naty watched Tara shut the door with disbelief that she was the voice of reason in this scenario.

          "Come, take a seat. I won't bite," Leslie pointed to the open seat beside her once Tara moved behind the desk beside Ashley.

          Naty did exactly as she was told.

          "So, as Tara mentioned, we did have a discussion before you got here," Ashley nodded to Leslie for her to take over.

          "I'm going to be more hands on with you."

          Naty always gazed into the eyes of those that spoke to her but suddenly the woman beside her was difficult. She didn't know if they were hazel or green but they were light and contrasting with the deep tan of her skin they seemed to glow. Naty had no clue how pretty her manager was!

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