Chapter Twenty-Four

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          The two spent over an hour on their dinner. Hardly any of the pizza had been eaten except for bites from each selection and the full bulgogi slice Naty had begun with. It wasn't that the food was bad. It was simply that the two were full on conversation instead. They preferred it that way.

          Afterward they helped each other to pack the food away for the evening and to clean up the mess they had made. It was such sweet domesticated bliss. Naty had previous relationships but none felt as...nourishing as her relationship with Chan. She recalled past boyfriends that would just leave her alone to clean up the mess they created or would berate her for not washing the dishes the way they preferred. It was crazy to Naty that just that act of washing dishes with Chan was so satisfying it felt unreal. They were just so happy.

          That happiness did not change but it did transition to anxiety at the end of the night. The kiss still hung in the air between them and both seemed still too shy to share it. Naty wondered what it could be. She recalled their first kiss in front of a gagging audience and the subsequent kisses the rest of their time together in LA. There was no bashfulness there.

          She supposed the intensity of their relationship made the difference. Real, developed feelings were occurring between them. Their unity was transitioning beyond the "beginning" of a relationship and into a full-on relationship with hurdles and sensitivity and vulnerability that had not been there before.

 could have been the months apart made them too shy to make the first move and they simply just needed warming up to each other again.

          For the second time in the evening Naty was hoping for the latter option to be true.

           The woman stood in the lavish bathroom staring at her reflection. She brushed her teeth slowly as she stared at the two options she laid out to wear for her first night with Bang Chan. They had both discussed—at length—the possibility of sex. Both were very interested in sharing the act with each other and yet both seemed to want to hold off for as long as they could. They didn't want to rush into it for fear or pushing things to far forward than they were ready.

           And yet Naty felt a deep desire to wear the black lingerie she had brought with her.


          It was clear she needed to wear the baby blue matching pajama set. It was cute but could be sexy if she just...took off the bottoms! Naty had made it clear that she, without her knowing, had a tendency to remove clothing if she got too hot at night.


          Naty decided she would not be stripping. She spit into the sink and cleaned her mouth from the toothpaste with the running water. The woman had always known Chan did not sit well with obvious praise toward his appearance but his genuine admission that he was ugly haunted her. He had said things like that before but she had always taken it as self-deprecating humor. What he had said over pizza seemed to be an absolute belief.

          She could not understand it.

          A sigh left her lips as she cleaned up the mess she made and then dressed in the baby blue set. She looked to herself with smile that made her own butterflies flutter. It wasn't that she was excited to see herself. It was that the smile in the mirror was the final action she would take before walking to Chan and sharing a bed with him! For the whole night!

          It was almost too much to conceive! And yet she was conceiving it! She would be sleeping beside Chan and waking up beside the most beautiful man in the world! That realization was the push she needed to finish. Naty quickly left the bathroom and the room that was designated as "her space." She made sure to shut all the lights behind her though she wondered if Chan would care at all.

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