Chapter Fifty-Eight Bang Chan's POV

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          The seat warmer did nothing to thaw the chill that had settled in Bang Chan's bones. Heat circulated through Fred's vehicle while Chan's jacket was firm around his frame. Yet, the man still shivered silently in the front seat of the car. The laughter of Changbin, Han, and Hyunjin bounced around the interior as if with the intention of chipping away at the ice that surrounded their hyung but there was no luck. The only person that could melt his mood was in a whole other vehicle in a whole other part of Seoul.

          Chan could trace back to exactly when he first felt the cold whisp around his ankle. In that moment it felt like the ground had been ripped out from under him and all he could see was his girlfriend leaving the men's bathroom. Foolish as it might seem, Bang Chan half expected Jimin to follow out right behind her.

          "I was sick and threw up and he helped me."

          The man turned away from himself and watched the changing landscapes of the city they drove past.

          It wasn't Naty's voice he heard.

          It was Donna's.

          "I was sick and threw up and he helped me."

          The man had heard it too many times and so when similar words left Naty's mouth his body reacted without his control. Bang Chan had never really thought of himself as a jealous person but seeing Naty leave that bathroom yanked him backward into regression. Suddenly, he wasn't a man that trusted and cared for his girlfriend. Suddenly, he was a man that was on the brink of completely shattering as he had before. Chan had no clue how vulnerable he truly was.

          Of course, he knew the truth of who was in the bathroom.

          And, of course, he instantly regretted not trusting Naty implicitly.

          Of course, he immediately went to find her so he could apologize.

         And, of course, she was nowhere to be found.

          That was until Sungwon was there to help guide her from wherever she had been hiding in the darkness.

          The glow of the red-light Fred came to seemed to illuminate the inside of the car.

          Changbin began to sing the opening line of that classic song while the others joined in.

          Bang Chan remained silent.

          The red lights did not symbolize his song with Hyunjin any longer. The red lights symbolized the universe signaling to him that he should stop his downward spiral of thought. Yes, he thought he was valid in being upset about his girlfriend leaving the men's room and he thought he was valid in being annoyed by another man telling him what his girlfriend needed. Beyond that he needed to ground himself. It was Naty and he needed to remind himself what that meant.

          It meant she was honest.

          It meant she was open.

          It meant she loved him—even if wasn't stated.

          It meant that love mattered to her.

          It meant she would never take him for granted.

          It meant he needed to check his ego and his jealousy and his past and stop being so salty about a situation she had no control over.

          Yet that was easier said than done and he wished he had time to process further but that wasn't in the cards for him.

The Prince of K-Pop || Bang Chan FFOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara