Chapter Twenty-Six

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          By the time Bang Chan arrived home everything was already completed. Naty had finished the meal, gotten dressed up, and even finished making the bed with the freshly washed sheets. She had never been the type to be so "traditional" but for Chan it didn't feel that way. It simply felt like surprising someone she cared for with something they might enjoyed. Plus, she just wanted to see him smile!

          "Wow, it smells delicious! Did you order something?"

          Naty didn't respond.

          Instead, she threw her arms around the man for a tight embrace that he quickly returned.

          Naty immediately recoiled, "Oh my goodness. Why do you smell like that?"

         "Smell like what?" he pulled his hoodie up to his nose.

         "You smell like a woman's perfume really, really strong," Naty covered her nose with her own shirt. She knew Chan worked with women often and had many female-presenting friends but the perfume was overpowering. Naty didn't really consider herself sensitive to smell but the scent was something very unique.

          "Oh," he quickly pulled the hoodie off to reveal his black muscle shirt underneath, "We're laying vocals down with the secret artist and they are...eccentric. Yeah. They didn't want to start recording until the whole studio smelled like this perfume. We all hated it but I guess we just got used to it."

         Naty frowned, recalling that Chan had told her he did not like this secret artist. She quickly threw herself back into his arms and they embraced properly, "It must have been very difficult."

         "It was," he huffed, his hands coming up to hold her face, "But it's good that I'm not alone. I made sure that I have three to five people there at all times so I had Changbin and a few others with me all morning. They definitely made it easier. Enough about me. How was your morning?"

          "Um...look at this place," she gestured behind her, "It's been incredible! But come, come, come."

          Naty quickly grabbed his hands and pulled him into the direction of the dining area. On the table sat two bowls and glasses of cold water waiting. Each bowl was filled with the Kimchi Jjigae with pork and tofu. Naty made sure the presentation was topnotch. She was very proud of herself!

          "I made this for you!" she looked to Chan but his face was completely unreadable.

          "You made this for me?"

          She nodded happily, "I's okay if you don't want to eat it. I just wanted to surprise you. We can absolutely get something else."

          "No! No!" he seemed to snap out of it and looked to Naty in disbelief, "I just...I can't...I just...No one has ever done something like this for me. I just...I couldn't wait to come here to see you. You could have still been sleeping and just the fact that you're here would have been enough. Today has been pretty stressful but just knowing I would see you got me through and I come here and you do this for me? I feel so valued. I feel so wanted. I feel so desired and appreciated. I feel so undeserving really but at the same time...I do feel deserving. I don't know. I feel so amazed to be honest. I feel home."

          There were tears in his eyes that he actively suppressed. Naty wrapped her arms around his middle as she kissed his cheek, "You say that now but wait until you try it. You might hate it and change your mind."

           The man laughed and kissed her forehead, "I don't care what it tastes like. I don't care if it's poison. This is amazing."

          "Then let's try it!" she grinned and pulled him to the table.

          The two sat down in opposite ways than they had the night before. This time it was Chan at the head of the table while Naty sat at the direct corner. She waited happily, watching Chan pick up his spoon so that he could taste the soup first.

          He looked to her with a grin, "Jalmeokgesseumnida."

          "Buen provecho," she replied.

         "Ohh, what does that mean!" he looked to her with interest.

          "Just taste it!" she cried out, feeling so overwhelmed with excitement and curiosity.

          Chan's laugh bounced around the luxury condo in such a beautiful display of joy that Naty found herself not caring about the soup anymore. Once again, she was melting at the sight of him. She recalled the night before that there was something different about him. There was something more regal where as LA he seemed more relax. Slowly, she realized his relax nature was returning with her. She loved it.

          "Okay, I'm trying it now."

          The man took his time enjoying the meal. He made sure to enjoy every piece separately and then altogether. When he was finished sampling all the aspects of the meal, he looked to her with a serious expression. Naty waited with bated breath.

          "It's absolutely incredible! Have you made this before?!"

          Naty nearly squealed and began digging into her own bowl, "No! I found a great video online and did my best. Is it really good?"

          "It's delicious! I'm so impressed and so thankful and so happy. This really means so much to me," he began eating comfortably.

          "There's more too if you'd like. You can take some back to work. This place has everything. What time will you be coming home?"

         A soft, dopey smile crossed the man's face as he looked to Naty, "I should be back at five but I may have to stay later. I have two more hours with this artist and then me and the Kids are doing some of our own work. I'll try to get back here as soon as possible. Is there anything you want to do while I'm away?"

          "No, I'm happy here. I'm preparing for next week. Leslie is throwing me in the deep end so I'm just getting ready for all of that. I may look for a yoga mat and maybe a tripod. There's so much space here and I want to utilize it for things I can post a few months from now," she shrugged.

          "Oh, don't worry about that! I'll get that taken care of for you," he quickly pulled out his phone.

          "No! You don't worry about it. I don't want you buying me a million things while I'm here," she tried to grab his hands so he could stop texting.

          "It's not buying! The trainee building has hundreds of yoga mats and tripods! I can score you some good quality ones," he grinned.

          Naty sighed and returned to her soup, "Fine."

          When he was finished typing, he put his phone back into his pocket and looked to Naty, "So what does that phrase mean?"

          "Buen provecho? It just means like...enjoy your meal."

          "Wow, can you teach me more Spanish?" he asked, as he leaned in closer to her with that face that meant he was interested in a kiss.

          "I can teach you anything you'd like," Naty leaned in and placed a gentle peck on his lips.

          The man quickly grabbed her chair and pulled her in beside him so he could wrap an arm around her, "I love coming home to you."

          "Let's make it a habit," she grinned, kissing him again before grabbing her bowl of soup to bring it closer to her new seating position, "Now come on! Before it gets cold!"

          He laughed, "Okay, okay!"

The Prince of K-Pop || Bang Chan FFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon