Chapter Forty-Seven

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          Naty had always been the type to dress how she felt. Her fight with Chan had taken her to one of the worst moods she had faced in months. For such an occasion she brought out the sweatpants and stole one of Bang Chan's shirts.

          Watching funny shows with Pearl did help though. Naty and Pearl often had time to bond during the latter's insomnia spells. There had been plenty of times the two had shared some joint activity until sleep took hold of Pearl. Naty would typically do her influencer work while Pearl wrote stories and made videos she'd never share. Since Pearl's breakup, the woman just wanted someone to watch tv with her.

          At five o'clock Naty's time Pearl finally fell asleep. It was adorable to see; Naty made sure to take plenty of screenshots before hanging up. The Friend's Trip was coming up soon and Naty wanted to have something to scandalize Pearl with. She could already hear her screaming in that indecipherable accen—

          The door.

          Naty wasn't sure how she heard from across the condo but she definitely did. The woman stepped out of the room in time to watch Bang Chan enter in a huff. She had not expected to see him until after the Chan's Room Live. All day she had been preparing herself for a late-night conflict resolution session or—even worse—a quick fifteen minute one in the morning. She was not prepared to see him so suddenly.


          Tears burst from her eyes at the sound of him calling her name. She emerged from the shadows of the hallway, "Yes?"

          The two seemed to freeze at the sight of one another. Naty took him in and noticed that he looked exhausted. His face glistened with sweat while his eyes dropped in a tired manner. Everything else was unreadable. She had no idea if he were angry, furious, or disappointed by her presence. All she knew was that she was sorry and she desperately missed him.

          Even though she was afraid he would reject her, Naty stepped forward and cried out, "Wonja, I'm so sorry!"

          Chan had his arms around her in just a few strides. The two embraced fiercely as they apologized to each other in a jumble of words. Neither of them could hear the other and after a few minutes they just started laughing.

          It was Bang Chan who pulled away first and held the woman's face in her hands. His thumbs wiped at the tears on her face and Naty breathed in the smell of his sweat mixed with cologne. The frown on his lips only served to make him look even cuter than usual as he spoke, "I never meant to hurt you or to make you feel less than. I should never have questioned the importance of finances and should not have tried to throw money at you so you could listen to me. Our lives are so different and I shouldn't have tried to compare. Most of all, I shouldn't have stopped you from stepping away when you needed to. I am so sorry."

          "Oh, you literal angel," Naty tried to breathe calmly but his words were so sweet she needed a second before replying, "You have nothing to apologize for. I shouldn't have been so defensive but I let my insecurities cloud your words. I shouldn't have just left and should have told you I needed space. Worst of all! I completely undermined ALL of your hard work, ALL of your struggles, ALL of your blood, sweat, and tears that you constantly put into this to be where you are. You were so right! We can't experience this moment the same because all of this glamour I get to enjoy comes at your continual sacrifice."

          "That's not for you to think about or to care about. You were also right. My hardships were my choice but yours? You never got to choose that. You never chose suffering so much and watching your parents suffer too. You never got to decide your sacrifices. I signed up for mine!"

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