Chapter Fifty-Two

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          The only sound that could be heard was Naty's own chewing. Felix sat at the head of the table while Naty and Chan sat across from each other. Kimchi Fried Rice and Beef was placed before everyone but only Naty ate. Bang Chan held a combination of emotions upon his features while Felix looked shellshocked. It was the most awkward dinner Naty had ever had.

          Shortly after the initial screaming, Chan covered Felix's eyes while Naty ran to change. Bang Chan expressed his sincerest apologies for not warning Naty of the guest. It was simply that Felix was having a tough time and Chan just wanted to give him some company. He thought dinner with Naty would help get his mind off some things. They originally hoped to cook for her.

          Of course, Naty didn't mind that.

          Guilt washed over her at the feeling of having ruined Chan's nice thing. The two men kept their eyes low and could only eat the rice grain by grain. The sound of Chan's gulping as he drank some water was deafening. The woman couldn't stand it anymore. Something had to be done.

          "Do you guys just want to start over and pretend that never happened back there?"



          Naty laughed at their enthusiastic desperation.

          "Felix! It's so good to see you! How are you! I'm so happy you're here!" Naty shouted with the genuine joy she felt.

          The two Aussies laughed at her theatrical display while Felix replied, "Thank you. Chris was kind enough to invite me for dinner. I hope that's okay?"

          "It's always okay. You get an open invitation," Naty nodded happily.

          "Well...not too open," Chan had a blush on his face and a teasing smile that made Naty stare daggers at him. Immediately the men broke into laughter and soon enough Naty joined them.

          "Seriously though. That...erm...shock? I guess? Was exactly what I needed. I've been having a tough time, well, the start of one, at least, and that was just crazy enough to jump start my brain again," Felix kept his eyes low as he spoke. The whole time his face wavered between amused and sullen. Chan looked to the man with a protective helplessness he could only soften by grabbing Felix's shoulder.

          "I'm sorry, Felix, is there anything I can help you with? I know a lot of it must be private Idol stuff but I'd be happy to help with anything else," Naty felt herself diving into her own protective helplessness. Felix had always been so sweet to her and the beautiful fairy too-good-for-this-world aura he carried in videos was stronger in real life. She would do anything to help him out.

          "Thank you, Naty, but there isn't really anything anyone can do. Our schedule coming up is going to be very full and I'm just...mentally preparing myself, I guess," the man looked to her with his warm smile, "But this home cooked meal has been amazing. It's something I didn't even know I needed until just now."

          Many thoughts crossed Naty's mind in response to Felix's confession. Chan had not mentioned a schedule so full Felix was already having anxiety about it. Her eyes glanced to the man across from her who seemed slightly guarded. Naty knew there was no way to pry into that and so she settled for narrowing her eyes on Felix, "You've hardly taken a bite of my home cooked meal!"

          The two men nearly choked but Chan recovered, "I'm sorry! We ate back at the company. I just didn't want to disappoint you."

          "Really?" Naty laughed, "You could have just told me!"

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