Chapter Forty Bang Chan's POV

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          The dessert room was incredibly cozy. So much so, Chan thought he would fall asleep as he waited for Naty to join him. He found that to be the oddest quality of the arrival of his girlfriend in South Korea. The man often had trouble sleeping and finding a desire to eat. Yet, since she arrived, he was tired and hungry all the time!

          Bang Chan stood from the comfort of his seat to observe the room and keep himself awake. The walls were a deep wine color with cream padded wall panels. The trimmings of everything were a combination of gold and burgundy. The room had a variety of seating that ranged from single person to love. They were all very comfortable and were a wine and burgundy combo. Their dessert and drinks sat on a lovely round table positioned against the large window.

          The large window looked out into the city and served as one of the only light sources into the room. The table that had the dessert had a small orb lamp that could be turned on and off when pleased. Classical music played from the speakers though there was an option to sync to the Bluetooth and play whatever was desired.

          A knock at the door suddenly captured his attention.

          That was the other benefit of the room. Once a patron was inside, they were the only ones allowed to open the door. The only other individuals that could answer at will were staff but for the most part it was complete privacy for the guests. Chan walked to the door and opened it only to be hit with the other feature. Whenever the door opened, the room was immediately filled with light.

          Chan blinked to adjust to the new lighting as he smiled, "I was afraid you had gotten lost."

          "Don't worry, Chan Oppa, I wouldn't let that happen."

          The man froze.

          Naty stepped into the room and slung her arm around his middle but there was no comfort to be had with Donna standing right there before him. His eyes immediately looked to his girlfriend in search of any harm that had come to her but she appeared to be smiling as she exclaimed, "Look who I met in the bathroom! She was nice enough to guide me back here."

          "How did you know where to go?" the man almost couldn't hear a word beyond the slamming of his heart against his chest.

          "Aren't you going to say hello?" Donna teased. She looked to Naty with a little giggle, "We go way back. I'm sorry I didn't congratulate you on the girlfriend. I've been travelling through Europe with some friends of mine and just got back."

          "It's nice to see you, Donna. How did you know where we were?" Chan felt trapped, triggered, tricked as if her immediate lies were meant to do something. The woman hadn't been in Europe and Sana had told him she did something completely opposite of "congratulating" when she heard the news. Why was she pretending to be so calm?

          And what did she say to Naty in the bathroom?

          There it was—that feeling again. That gut punch feeling of seeing them smiling like they were in on something secret he knew nothing about. Bang Chan remembered the first time it happened, right after her debut with Rosetta, he caught her leaving the bathroom with an ex-trainee and they had those smiles and Donna did a good job gaslighting him to believe he was insanely jealous for no reason. It was the perfect foundation for the millions of other times she did it after. Always leaving a bathroom, a room, a dark hallway with those smiles of secrets that Chan only ever found the truth about later on.

          She was doing it again but this time she was doing it with Naty.

          Chan felt an immediate instinct to protect his love.

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