Chapter Sixty-Four

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          Since the moment Naty opened her eyes that morning she had been planning.

          "Thank you so much, Fred. You're an absolute lifesaver!"

          The man grumbled his acceptance as he placed the bags of food on the table.

          The night before had rung in Naty's ears along with Bang Chan's nervousness for his first therapy session. She recalled her own first therapy session and how vulnerable and lonely it left her feeling. At the time, Naty had the pleasure of going home and taking a bath to unwind. Bang Chan had to go straight to work with the secret artist that was known to be incredibly difficult. Not only that! All the Stray Kids planning and comeback activities were on his to-do list which meant no time to relax or process.

          Naty spun wild plans to comfort him but could not accomplish them. The situation with Donna forced Naty to change her phone number but being on a different continent delayed the process. This meant Naty was left with only the landline in the condo and her laptop.

          "I really couldn't do anything without you. Please! Let me give you gas money or something!" Naty grabbed her purse to look for something to compensate Fred with.

          Her adjusted plan had been to grab food from the restaurant by the JYP building Chan liked, massage equipment to help him unwind, bubble bath materials, and watching the ChaeChaeChingu video. The last on her list was possible with just her laptop but she knew she needed to acquire the rest. Naty had called Fred simply to let him know that she would be taking a walk down the main street to get the items herself. The man told her to send him the list so he could get the items instead.

          "Come on! Anything!"

          "I'll take this," Fred grabbed the box of mandu from the bag.

          Naty laughed as she nodded, "Sure, okay, fair trade. They are delicious."

          "Let me know if you need anything else," Fred gave a solid nod before turning to exit the condo.

          "Oh, yes! Just one more thing!" Naty called out to the man.

          He paused as he glanced to her for instruction.

          Naty put on her best smile, "Have a lovely day!"

          Fred's face said everything for him.

          The man finally made his exit which left Naty to accomplish the rest of her plan.

          Her original thought was throwing a surprise party like he had for her after her first shoot with KeumPu. She imagined decorating the whole condo as he had but with balloons scattered on every surface. The issue with the idea was that it was something she would like. She didn't know if it was something Chan would like. Was he the glittery decorations and balloons type?

          Naty wasn't sure.

         The only thing she was sure about was that he liked quality time and he liked her.

          She decided to do with that what she could.

          The woman set the condo up with lowlighting, candles, and relaxing music to create an intimate atmosphere. The food she positioned on the coffee table in the living room—though still in their containers to in case he didn't want to eat right away—so they could sit and eat together in a casual way. She even decorated the floor with all the sitting pillows and comfy blankets she could find along with her laptop resting on the couch. In the bathroom she put together all the materials for a comfortable bath. On the bed she placed the massage equipment beside a cute little outfit she could wear if he wanted her to.

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