Chapter Nineteen Bang Chan's POV

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           The word left Chan's mouth with confidence that he didn't know he had. He was silent for a moment, just absorbing the moment. Bang Chan had just admitted to the world that he had a girlfriend. He could see the comments piling in but he did not read any of them. Instead, he looked to Tara and Ashley who both appeared as if they were watching a horror movie. Tara motioned for him to keep talking.

           "Yeah, so...I," he dragged out the word as images of Naty played across his mind. He couldn't help but smile, "Have a girlfriend. Yeah, I know this will come as a surprise to everyone. It's a surprise to me too. Kind of, unexpected."

          As with all of Chan's Room, he came into it with an idea of what to say but very quickly decided best to wing it. He was talking to Stay. He just had to talk from his heart and that would guide him all the way home.

          "It's pretty new actually. I figured I'd talk to you and clear some information up. So...yeah. Hmm," he looked down as his mind formed sentences and his body worked up the courage to say it, "I guess I'll start from the beginning."

          Ashley and Tara nodded.

          "So, last year we all got a little break to go home. Home for me is, of course, Australia, but I didn't go straight there. A few friends of mine were having a concert in the U.S. and I decided to stop there first and show some support," Chan realized he was speaking primarily English and so he decided to explain everything quickly in Korean, "Well, at the airport I was sitting with my bodyguard and we were just waiting for the flight to Australia and that was when she walked in."

          Chan felt too shy to look directly at the camera. The thought of Naty watching and listening to him recount the events made him embarrassed. He wished he could see her face but knew she would probably be smiling—she was always smiling.

          "Walked into the lounge, I mean. I don't know what it was but immediately she just got my attention. She was wearing a mask and I was just curious to see what she looked like without it. I didn't have any opinion or anything and I was just curious but she took off her mask and yeah," he let out a nervous chuckle, "I thought she was beautiful."

          He looked up to the camera then.

          "Not to say that looks are everything. I know there are probably some people listening to this and thinking 'Oh, that will never happen to me' but you're wrong. I really believe that, uhh," he struggled to form his thoughts and translate them, "I believe that no one knows what other people are thinking about them. We might first jump to 'Oh, that person looked at me. They probably think I'm ugly' but that is probably not true. You don't know how many people have looked at you and thought you were so beautiful but were too nervous or shy to say anything or were busy and didn't have time. I was just lucky to have some time."

          Chan risked a glance at the comments and laughed at one that he read out loud.

          "Haha, 'OMFG Chan is a f-ing simp' yeah. Yeah," he pulled the brim of his hat down over his face before continuing, "Okay, anyway. Beyond that I thought she was beautiful. She was doing a live with her followers and the way she talked to them It just reminded me of how I talk to you all, you know. It was so sweet and she really cared. It made me think of how I should do more with you. It just made me feel like...she gets it."

          He nodded to himself at that.

          "Then something really weird happened," he couldn't help but flinch at the memory of the smell, "This man, I guess ate something really weird and he just couldn't help himself. He, should I say this? He passed gas and it smelled not great at all."

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