Chapter Forty-Four

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          Sulwhasso was a breath of fresh air. Naty arrived perfectly on time thanks to Fred's skilled navigation which made a wonderful first impression on the team she would be working with. Park Wendy—the head of said team—introduced herself as a huge Stay that was excited to handle Naty's contribution to the influencer campaign ad.

          The two hit it off very well.

          All Naty was required to do for the ad was wash her face in slow motion. The whole scene was dedicated to a new cleanser that Naty had already pre-ordered the moment she heard of its conception. The excitement on her face was so genuine the team asked her to go through the whole skincare regimen with all new products. Naty had no issue doing so! She even got to take it all home for free!

          It was such a huge difference from her mission with ChaeChaeChingu that Naty spent as much time as they needed doing as many takes as they needed. They hyped her up and promised they would reach out to Leslie for future campaigns. Naty felt on the verge of tears but kept it together to finish the shoot. The whole experience was so pleasurable, Naty didn't even realize how late it was until she was on the way home! She had hoped to end by four so that she could go home and make dinner for Chan's arrival. He had stated in the morning he'd probably finish work around six which Naty hoped would give her enough time to make something delicious.

          She arrived at 5:34 p.m. which gave her less than thirty minutes to come up with something. Naty thanked Fred profusely for his help then ran into the elevator as she racked her mind for something to surprise him with. She supposed she could make the ramen that he was so skilled at making. The woman knew in her heart that no matter what she did...Bang Chan would just be happy to see her! All he wanted was to see her after a long day of work but Naty wanted to do something a little extra.

          As soon as the elevator landed on the floor, Naty ran out of it and rushed to the door with the hopes of saving every second she could. She punched in the numbers and swung the door open as she kicked off her shoes and rushed to get inside so she could slam the door shut behind her. The woman dropped all of her belongings on the floor and rushed to the kitch—

          "Hi, my Gongju."


          Naty threw herself into the man's arms as tears jumped from her eyes. She had no time to register he wasn't wearing a shirt until his arms circled her and held her tight against him. The man cradled the back of her head against his shoulder as he kissed the top of it and spoke into her hair, "Did you have a rough day?"

          "I just missed you so much," she cried as she wrapped her arms tighter around his waist, "I'm so happy to see you. It's like I've been holding my breath all day and now I can finally relax and be at peace. I wasn't expecting to see you! What are you doing here so early?"

          "I knew today would be exhausting so I may have negotiated a way for us to leave sooner so I could be here to greet you and make you dinner," Chan's voice had that adorable, nervous, almost cringing tone he always did when he was unsure how she would take his sweetness.

          "Wonja!" she pulled back so she could look at his beautiful face, "You didn't have to do that for me. Will this set you back?"

          "Oh, no!" he shook his head seriously, "We're ahead of schedule with our next comeback and are probably going to start learning choreography this week so...yeah. They probably would have let us go early if anyone asked."

          Naty returned her face to his shoulder as she relaxed into his hold, "I'm so happy you're here. I'm so happy to see you. I'm just...I'm just so happy. AND you're not wearing a SHIRT! Look at you!"

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