Chapter Thirty-Three

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          Naty only had a vague understanding of how to play 007. Chan whispered quick instructions along with a warning. She was positioned between Bang Chan and Seungmin. Such a positioning between two members meant she had to be on constant alert. The hungry eyes of the table seemed to corroborate those words.

          "Naaaaaty! You look scared. Are you thinking of changing your seat?"

          The voice belonged to Sungwon who had been teasing her since their reintroduction. The man seemed to enjoy labelling Naty a "liar" thanks to their first encounter in which she denied dating Bang Chan. He regarded it hilarious in the wake of Chan's VLive confession.

          "Don't lie," he smirked.

          Naty opened her mouth to disagree but Nicole stood, "Don't worry, Nally! I'll switch with you. I'm really good at this game!"

          "I'm fine!" Naty quickly tried to diffuse the offer but the woman was already on her way.

          Chan's demeanor shifted quickly to well-mannered authority, "I think she's fine, Nicole. Than—"

          "Stop hogging your girlfriend, Bang Chan!" Sungwon teased, proving that Bang Chan's princely status had no effect on the brash joker.

          "I'm really fi—"

          "Don't worry! I've got your back!" Nicole shouted as she grabbed hold of Naty's seat and began to pull.

          It was all happening so quickly Naty had to stand to avoid falling while most of the table was only just beginning to notice. Once again, Naty tried to deny the claims of needing a chair switch or being nervous at all. Her words were drowned out by Sungwon's teasing and Chan's attempt at politely refuting them.

          "Go sit down, Nicole. I don't want to sing with you."

          It was Seungmin's voice—not shouting but still forceful—that cut the noise and brought the attention to what was occurring. The table seemed to require as second before understanding Seungmin's declaration. Laughter quickly followed.

          Nicole's face turned a bright red, "Don't be so rude, puppy. Naty agreed to sw—"

          His arm dropped down on the seat to block Nicole's grip which forced her to let go. Seungmin made a noise of disapproval, "No she didn't. You're just trying to sit next to Bang Chan."

          Hyunjin's sharp laugh cut off Nicole's reply. Naty used the distraction to sit back down in her chair while Suhyeon ordered Nicole back beside Sungwon. The man had a satisfied smirk while Nicole looked like a wounded animal. Changbin and Wooyoung exchanged some witty comments to cut the tension. Bang Chan grabbed the leg of Naty's seat and pulled her in much closer to him as Seungmin dropped his arm.

          "Thank you, Seungmin," Naty whispered as her hand reached beside her for Chan's.

          "Don't mention it. Nicole is such a mic hog," Seungmin's words went through a series of tones as he tried to evade Hyunjin's sudden affection.

          This prevented Naty from asking her dire question: Why would Nicole want to sit next to Bang Chan?

          She looked to her boyfriend in search of clarification but he was already looking at her in search of the same thing. There was a small undercurrent of suspicion that hung between them. Perhaps not suspicion for each other but suspicion for the cause of the scene. Naty gave a little smile to Chan who seemed to melt at the sight of it. He pressed a quick kiss to her cheek which Seungmin gagged at.

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