Chapter Thirty-Seven

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          When Naty woke up the second time the sun was out. She was laying on her side, facing the windows, and could see the beautiful sky of Seoul. It was mystifying to know where she was and who she was with. The magnificent condo still sent chills down her spine that she had to actively suppress. She felt like royalty.

          She also felt a thousand times better.

          Once again, she was embarrassed by her earlier outburst. She felt childish but Bang Chan's words vibrated against her heart. The memory of In-N-Out from months ago came back to her. It was the first time he had comforted her out of a triggered state and validated something she always found so shameful. Her past history of relationships had made her believe her mental health issues were a death sentence to any thing romance but Bang Chan made her feel...normal. He made her feel safe and loved.

          The sound of clicking suddenly captured her attention.

           Naty turned around to see that Bang Chan was in the same position she had left him. The man sat hunched over with giant headphones on as he furiously clicked at his laptop. She could just barely see that he was working in Cubase on what she imagined to be vocals from the secret artist. The man had never looked so focused. For a moment, he looked like just a regular guy producing a hit wonder that he couldn't quite grasp. Over and over, he clicked as if he were replaying the same part again and again.

          He looked positively adorable.

          And in the zone.

          Chan didn't notice Naty at all as she sat up until she reached out to touch his leg.

          He jumped slightly in surprise but completely relaxed as he saw her, "You're awake! Perfect! I'll order us some breakfast. How do you feel?"

          The man spoke as he paused his project and worked on saving everything. She stretched slowly as she yawned, "I feel so much better. Thank you for...being so understanding about everything. I'm sorry about—"

          "Hey," Chan shut his laptop and put it gingerly on the bedside table before grabbing the woman and pulling her onto his body, "Don't apologize for anything. How's your head?"

          "Throbbing a little but so much better. I feel like a human again," she smiled before kissing his cheek, "I'm sorry I drank so much last night. Did I do or say anything totally embarrassing?"

          He laughed at the question, "Not at all. Everyone loved you—especially Seungmin. I think you're his bias now."

          Naty laughed at the thought, "That is so adorable. I'd be honored to send him a signed photocard whenever he wants."

          "Mmm, I don't know how I feel about that," Chan frowned.

          "Okay, okay. I'll give you the signed photocard and you can just flash it at him every now and then," Naty rested her head on his shoulder as she curled deeper into his arms.

          "That sounds much better."

          Naty laughed softly before releasing a little sigh, "But really. Did I?"

          "Well..." he drawled the word out long enough for Naty to pull back and look at him. He scrunched his face a little as he answered in an unsure way, "It's not terrible did call my face weird?"

          "It is weird."

          It seemed that Naty's lips were far looser than she had anticipated but Chan's deep laugh from the unexpected comment made her smile.

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