Chapter Fifty-Three

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          The morning had no time for reflection.

          Most of the day was spent between messages and phone calls as Naty helped talk through an argument between Axel and Soojin. A misunderstanding turned into an exchange of words that left the two in a sour place. Naty and Pearl were typically the ones that were the best for situations that dealt with emotion. The former was best for listening while the latter was best for actual advice giving. Noor did her best to help but—much like Eunji—took the approach of "forgiving each other" and "just getting over it."

          By the time Bang Chan came home the situation was mostly resolved and all Axel and Soojin needed was rest and time apart.

          All Naty needed was help finding the "perfect outfit."

          Chan, at first, was no help with his declaration that she looked amazing in everything. It wasn't until Naty's third outfit change that he realized blind compliments would not please her. The man quickly began to give direct feedback as he got dressed himself. The whole time Naty felt her heart beating out of her chest with the memory of Chan's warning from the night before. The woman knew she would never please everyone with her outfit choice but that was never the goal of the "perfect outfit."

          The goal was simply to find the outfit Naty would feel the most confident in.

          It took six changes and seven different accessories for the woman to get there with an added bonus of an outfit that complimented Chan's.

          Naty apologized the whole time but Bang Chan refuted each one. There was no need to apologize to him. The whole time he held a smile and admiration in his eyes that Naty felt in the deepest parts of her. The woman could feel her anxiety rising during the searching phase of the outfit selection but Chan's kind and loving expression calmed her. It was during her make-up that Naty finally understood that she was scared of the possible judgements she would face and it was during her hair that she realized it didn't matter.

          She liked her outfit and Bang Chan liked her outfit.

          That was all that she needed to feel in control of the moment.

          The high of that realization got her into the backseat of Fred's vehicle before it began to diminish. Chan seemed to notice that and so he implemented the same tactic he did for the noraebang. A playlist of exclusively BTS blasted through the speakers for the two to scream at the top of their lungs.

          Everything was right with the world.

          Until Fred spoke, "Alright, we're here."

          Naty's eyes drifted out the window to finally register where they were. Much like the noraebang, the street itself was nondescript and there were no signs to indicate where exactly they should go. The only difference was a short line of vehicles dropping off individuals that were quickly being escorted inside a building by one bouncer while two stood at the entrance to verify their identity.

          "The Kids are right there in that one with Seojun," Chan motioned to the large SUV right in front of them as he looked down to his phone. "They'll go in first and then wait for us before entering the party. I'm getting updates from people already there. I think Jimin is taking pictures with people as they walk in."

          "That's nice," Naty only half heard what the man said. Most of her focus was on controlling her breathing and trying not to get too overwhelmed by the prospect of seeing lots of Idols in one place. She hadn't even considered the worst part of going to a party: mingling.

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