Chapter Nine

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         Words could not describe the show that Stray Kids put on. Only the first half of the show had been completed but Naty did not know what more they could do! From the choreography to the live vocals! Every second was on point. Naty was amazed to see Chan—Chan that had been in her hotel room that morning—so alive and dynamic on stage. He was less of a man that she had met at the airport and more of a living legend oozing star power out of every pore.

          It seemed to her—and everyone that observed—that he was actual royalty. The way Chan held himself was that of a prince taking over the throne of some long dead king. It was if he had been born and bred to lead this kingdom known as Stray Kids. The others followed suit as well. There was a completely different energy from watching a performance to seeing it live. They looked so regal, astounding, majestic. Prince Chan and his band of mighty Dukes coming to precede over the land. It was magical. 

          The stage emptied for a moment for a set change but the crowd was still electric with want of the eight men. Naty looked around the seats briefly and saw it dwindling in numbers once again. Though many people came to watch the show, she was thankful that the box she was in never filled up to the point that she had individuals sitting around her. She saw many Idols come to watch the show in the same area as her but nothing took her eyes away from the stage. Naty wondered how she could be in the same space as Chaeryeong and Ryujin of ITZY and not freak out but she supposed her freak out was saved for SKZ.

          "Another can, Ma'am?" the waiter came, already with a fresh can of Coke ready for her.

          Naty blushed, "Please don't tell anyone how much I've had of these."

          The waiter chuckled, "It's our little secret."

          She took the can and stood to lean against the wall that separated her from everyone else in the arena. Though normally she would never have more than one can of Coke in one sitting...Naty found herself buzzing on the three she had downed during the first leg of the show. She couldn't help it! She was addicted to Coca Cola but she didn't judge herself too hard. She figured she would get it out of her system and the next two shows would all be enjoyed by water.

          Oh, water! How did she not think to order that as well?

          Naty looked around for the waiter again but froze immediately in her spot.

          Jeon Jungkook.

          THE Jeon Jungkook was walking down the box stairs to the front row with her.

          Naty immediately turned back toward the stage to hide the tears coming to her eyes and the silent scream she had to let out. How was that possible? How was it possible that JEON JUNGKOOK WAS IN THE SAME PLACE AS HER?


          No, Naty needed to take a deep breath and center herself. She was there to see Chan and he was there to see Stray Kids. He was not there in the capacity of BTS. He was there in the capacity of a guy watching his friend perform an amazing show. She was also there in the capacity of watching her friend perform an amazing show. Naty wasn't worried about herself slipping information, posting pictures, or creating a scandal that would ruin Chan's imagine. The only thing she did worry about is accidently fan-girling over BTS and giving Chan the ick.

          Though Naty was hyper aware that Jeon Jungkook was only four feet away from her...Naty took in a deep breath and focused on the stage.

          It proved to be the right thing to do because just as she did Chan appeared. His clothes looked more casual than the stunning outfits they hadearlier but he was still the prince of the show. Han and Changbin joined him and she imagined this was part of fan interactions that gave the members time to relax and catch their breath. They immediately began addressing the crowd and talking but as more members came out Chan moved to the side of the stage closest to the box. Naty didn't know if he could see her but she gave a little wave with her lightstick.

The Prince of K-Pop || Bang Chan FFWhere stories live. Discover now