Chapter Thirty

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          "Don't laugh!"

          "I'm not laughing."

          Naty frowned in the backseat of the car Fred picked her up in. Since the moment Fred saw her there was a chuckle hiding behind his lips. Naty knew exactly why.

          It was her Jungkook outfit. At least, that was what she called it. Leslie had picked out a series of outfits that would have Naty fly under the radar. The one she wore was contained in four b's—big, black, boots, bucket hat. It was totally unlike anything Naty would wear and so she felt awkward in it which made her look awkward in it. Leslie knew exactly what she was doing when she picked her disguises.

          "Soojin is going to laugh at me," Naty mumbled.

          "If she can even recognize you. You can get into the blue house with that get up," Fred finally let out the chuckle he was holding.

          "Gee thanks," Naty turned her attention to outside. Seeing all the signs reminded her that she hadn't spoken a lick of Korean since she set foot on Korean soil. She thought it would be the other way around.

          Fred suddenly pulled off the main road into a small parking lot that—clearly—was just for employees, "Go through that door there and let them know Fred sent you."

          "You're not coming in?"

          "No, I'll be waiting here if you need me. Don't talk to anyone but the staff and don't take your mask off until you're seated," Fred put the car in park.

          " can come in within me," Naty felt weird about just leaving him behind.

          "Thank you but I'm okay. I'll let you know if I change my mind."


          Naty put on her mask then exited the vehicle. Though she knew exactly where she was going, there was still the overwhelming sense that she was lost. It was always like that when she traveled alone. She supposed it was the fear of getting lost itself that made her ankles weak. Regardless, she couldn't let it hold her back.

          Naty took in a deep breath before opening the door and then entered.

          It was the kitchen.

          Immediately there were polite shouts for her to leave. It took a second for her to turn on her Korean brain, "Fred made a reservation for me."

          "Fred?" A beautiful female server paused her actions to smile, "Welcome. We have your table ready and your guest is already waiting. Follow me."

           Naty couldn't believe Soojin was already there!

          The server turned her back to the woman as she guided Naty down a long hallway. At the end was the café with the lovely cocoon booths. The music inside was calm which gave the atmosphere dreamy quality. The aromas made Naty feel as though she were in a fairytale. She wondered which booth held her friend.

          Another server came their way with empty glasses only to trip on her own feet and drop them.

          The sound of shattered glass brought a hush to the whole establishment.

          "Just a moment," the server instructed as she left to assist the woman and the fallen items.

          Naty pressed against the wall to get out of the way as best she could. Her instinct was to help but she understood the best way to help was not making a scene by potentially getting cut. Instead, she glanced out into the café to see that life had resumed to normal. The only person that still seemed affected was a man standing from his booth and peering down the hall.

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