Chapter Sixty-Six

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          The sound of Leslie's heels on the checkered floor bounced off the high ceilings of the KeumPu lobby only to fall around Naty like gentle rain. The ride there had been the opposite of gentle but she tried not to dwell on it. Naty was still unsure if Leslie liked her or not but she tried not to dwell on that either.

          Instead, she focused on the lobby that was still an astounding sight to behold. While Leslie spoke with Chang Jiho, Naty stood off to observe some of the few pieces that were on display. They were beautiful designs that ranged from classy to regal. The absence of price tags made it clear that they were not meant for the average person. Naty wondered how many photoshoots it would take for her to afford just a simple ring.

          "I've seen this symbol before."

          Naty glanced to Fred who stood with his hands behind his back while he gazed at the large gold circles hanging on the wall. The woman stepped back to observe it beside him in agreement, "Yeah, I feel like I've seen it before too. Maybe someone wearing one of their pins or something."

          "It's starting to bug me," the man mumbled.

          The woman found his statement humorous since his expression was still neutral. She would have no clue if he were frustrated or delighted. The man always looked the same.

          Clicking promised that Leslie was soon to join them and, sure enough, she was there in an instant. She had promised to speak with Chang Jiho for more information on the shoot but, if she did receive it, did not share anything. Instead, Leslie focused on tapping away at her phone screen with her eyes glued to the device.

          Naty opened her mouth, "Did she sa—?"

          "—say anything?" Leslie completed the question before lifting her eyes, "Yes, it appears the other model came early so they have been working on some solo shots of her. Bong Dae-ho will be right down to escort you to hair and make-up."

          Naty would think nothing of the news but Leslie's scowl proved something was amiss. The woman questioned, "Is that a b—"

          "—bad thing?" once again Leslie finished the sentence, "Unclear. It does just confirm a few things for me. I assumed this was more than a simple shoot and that stunt settles it."

          "If it's not a simple 'shoot,' what is it?" Naty couldn't imagine what ulterior motive KeumPu could have.

          "They're looking for the new," Leslie used one hand to swipe across the sky as she put on a dramatic smile that worked with her theatrical tone, "'face' of the company."

          "What? Face of KeumPu? It can't be. There's no way I'd be in the running for that," Naty immediately dismissed the notion.

          "Don't sell yourself short. You knocked it out of the park last time we were here," Fred spoke as if his words were simple facts and not affirmations Naty would hold onto for the rest of her life.

          "Thank you, Fred," she blushed as she tried to swallow tears. Naty took in a deep breath before turning to Leslie, "Do you know who the other model is?"

          "They didn't say but we'll find out soon enough. Chang Jiho is signaling for us to join her," Leslie put on her most professional smile as she followed Jiho's direction.

          "Natalia Higuera. It's a pleasure to have you back once again," the woman gave a short bow that Naty returned quickly.

          "The pleasure is all mine and, please, feel free to call me Naty," she smiled.

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