Chapter Twenty-Eight Bang Chan's POV

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          The only word Bang Chan could think of was "hostage." No Idol was ever free, but for the first time he felt truly a prisoner to his company. The studio had always felt like home to him but suddenly it was a cage.

          The session had ended twenty minutes ago but over and over he went through the vocals that had been recorded that day. The only good thing about working with Donna was her talent. No one could doubt she was the song bird of the fourth generation which made Rosetta's disbandment such a surprise. The other surprise was her getting picked up by JYP as a solo artist instead of the likes of SM or YG.

          "Do you need us to stay?"

          Chan looked up to see Changbin and Han hovering in the doorway. The man smiled with a shake of his head, "You get going. I'll meet you there."

          They said their farewells as Chan stood from his seat to save the audio and pack up his belongings. The man was exhausted. No one stressed him out like Donna did.

          Once again, the nagging guilt came to him. Naty would want to know he was working with his ex. Chan would want to know the same thing. It wasn't a jealousy thing but a transparency thing. Their relationship deserved that.

          Chan packed up his laptop into his bookbag as he considered his predicament. He supposed he was making it a bigger deal in his head than it needed to be. Their relationship was over along with any friendship they could have developed after the fact. Chan's role with Donna was to be professional and mildly pleasant. All he had to do was get her vocals so he could pushout an album for the company to debut. Donna's reputation of being unpredictable, combative, and disrespectful seemed to make that nearly impossible.

          Sana helped though.

          Bang Chan could not understand how the two were friends. The others seemed to enable Donna while Sana called her out—in the kindest way possible. Chan supposed it was because Donna MOSTLY directed her hostility to males. Though she remained difficult with everyone, he had only occasionally seen Donna being nasty to women in certain circumstances. Still, Chan could not deny that he was always mildly hurt that Sana remained neutral toward his abuse.

          That was enough.

          Chan zipped up his backpack and slung it around his shoulders. He would not let Donna or the past interfere with his incredible present and future. After all, Naty was waiting for him!

          "Hey, Chan Oppa."

          The man froze at the sight of Donna in the doorway. He had expected her to leave with the others which was why he agreed for Changbin and Han to leave before him. Chan nodded politely, "Donna, not going to lunch with Yuna and Chaeryeong?"

          "I am!" she smiled, "I just want to talk to you a second before."

          "I have to get going for my own studio time. I'm sorry, Donna, can we talk tomorrow?" Chan made sure to speak clearly so that the cameras could read his lips. The main reason Chan did not want to be alone with the woman was that she was a notorious liar.

          "Oh, of course," she moved slightly out of the away, "I just really wanted to say thank you for doing this with me. You are honestly the only person I trust with my debut. I know I'm difficult but I would like to make it up to you. Dinner tonight? On me?"

          "I really appreciate that. It means a lot to me. Your words and trust in my ability is thanks enough," he smiled as warmly as he could before walking to the door.

The Prince of K-Pop || Bang Chan FFWhere stories live. Discover now