Chapter Fifty-One

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          Danbi Suh's photography studio had been established in 2006.

          It began when the woman was just twenty-nine years old with lots of struggle and grit. It had been a small one room studio at the time that quickly expanded to what it was now. She had been able to buy the neighboring suites to break down walls and reconstruct to her desire. The woman had started on her own but gained so much acclaim and notoriety she was able to start her own business. She had gotten to the point of being able to employ a team of twelve which included two other photographers.

          The information and more were available for Naty to read on a plaque in the waiting room where she waited for Danbi to greet her.

          Naty was surprised by what she read for two reasons. The first was that the timeline implied Danbi was forty-five and the woman didn't look a day over thirty-three. The second was that Naty assumed Danbi's studio began when her social media presence began.

          From what she could tell it started in 2016 with Facebook then Insta then Tiktok. Danbi started kicking off with posing tips that transitioned into an online posing class so everyone could "feel like a model." Naty had taken one of the very first classes along with consuming every video, reel, and Tiktok of Danbi's tips. It was using those tips that helped Naty to feel comfortable in front of the camera. She firmly believed if it weren't for Danbi she would not have the career or privileges she was able to enjoy.

          She would not have Bang Chan.

          With Danbi's importance in mind, Naty felt an odd shift of her reality. Her understanding of the woman had been so concrete in their social media interactions. In her mind she had categorized the woman as "Danbi Suh, probably thirty to thirty-five, started business around 2016." Having her assumption completely shattered with an entire decade of time and experience gave her the odd sensation of disturbance in her mind and chest.

          How could she be so wrong?

          "Excuse me? Naty?"

          The woman's voice was unmistakable. Naty spun around to see Danbi Suh looking even younger in person than on her Instagram. Naty couldn't help but shout, "You're forty-five! You look twenty-five! Oh, my God!"

          "Thank you!" Danbi laughed, "And you look...much shorter than I expected!"

          Naty frowned, "Why does everyone keep saying that!"

          "It's okay! It's a good thing! It means you have good proportions!" Danbi did her best at damage control which Naty quickly accepted.

          "Okay, okay. But seriously. It is so amazing to finally meet you. I am so honored and grateful for this opportunity," Naty felt herself on the verge of gushing.

          "Oh, please. The honor is all mine. You have contributed so much to the growth of my following. Every. Time. You. Make. A. Reel following my tips I get a huge flux of engagement. You are part of the reason I am reaching so much of international audiences," the woman seemed to sparkle as she spoke.

          "Well, you are the reason I am where I am today. I took one of your fist posing classes and the tips I leaned from that and all your videos is why I'm standing in front of you now."

          "What!" the woman was in disbelief, "I didn't know that!"

          "I looked much different back then but seriously. You taught me to come alive in front of the camera. I owe you everything."

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