Chapter Twenty-One

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"You don't have to call or text me or anything just please let me know when you're on the plane and off?" Chan was in the back of a vehicle fighting off pokes and annoying comments from Hyunjin and Han.

Naty laughed at the combination of sweetness and absolute frustration playing on the man's features, "I promise! The flight should take off in two hours and I should be landing around 8 p.m. your time. Or...twenty o'clock your time."

"You remembered," his smile was soft until a finger nearly went up his nostril. He quickly scolded the other members then looked back to Naty, "You have everything, right?"

"Yes. You saw me pack!" Naty found herself both amused and melting at the true concern. No one had ever really cared so much.

"Good, okay. I'm going to let you go now," he swatted Hyunjin's hand then twisted it lightly so that the man was immobile, "I am so excited to see you. I miss you very much. Have a safe flight. Say bye to Naty!"

Jisung and Hyunjin gave very loud and dramatic goodbyes Naty sighed happily to herself as she lowered her phone. In the time Chan and Naty had been together she had enjoyed many chats with the members of Stray Kids. She was very familiar with their personalities along with the joy they felt in bothering their leader. It was always entertaining to watch Chan wrangle them while still giving them their autonomy.

The woman couldn't help but think of what Chan might be as a father. From the little she had seen, Naty imagined that Chan would be incredible. Somehow, he maintained his fun and youth while still being a respected authority figure.

Naty shook her head and stood from her seat in the First-Class Lounge. It was a bad habit to think so much about the future. The two had yet to be a year together. There were much more pressing things to ruminate about. Naty walked from the lone corner of the lounge to the bar so she could grab a meal menu.

The flight was going to be very long. It would be the longest she had ever had to endure. The long flight would have been very suspicious to her followers if she hadn't already planned to tell them she was visiting home for some private time before her trip to see her friends in South Korea. Without her followers though, she was bound to face hours and hours of boredom.

The woman had a host of activities planned to occupy herself. She planned on watching Demon Slayer, brushing up on her Korean, filming some promotional clips for up coming projects, reviewing some items she was sponsored by and sleeping. If she finished all that then she would watch other shows or find a book to read. She hoped this would all keep her occupied until the last minute.

There was also the letter she had to write.

Bang Chan, being the sweetest and most romantic boyfriend in the world, had suggested they write each other letters that could only be opened on their one-year anniversary. They were supposed to exchange them in person along with a letter that could be read currently. The last part was her contribution to the idea. The issue was that she suddenly experienced major writer's block! She had no idea what to say!

"Have you decided what you would like to eat, ma'am?" the gentleman behind the bar asked with that luxury smile all of the employees held.

Naty woke up from her zoning out, "May I have a bacon cheeseburger with a side salad, a coke, and a water, please?"

"Of course. It will be right over, ma'am," the man turned around to add her order into the computer behind him.

With that, Naty returned to her little corner of the lounge. Memories of her first meeting with Chan played in her mind. Feelings bubbled inside of her that she could not grasp. All she knew was that they were mostly positive. The negative ones were certainly too painful to consider.

Naty pulled out her notebook to a blank sheet of paper. Perhaps that was the cause of her writer's block. Being unable to confront the negative feelings prevented her vulnerability. How could she write a love letter without being vulnerable? It was impossible.

But the negative feelings were so scary!

She looked to her phone to see the time but saw her lock screen instead. It was still the same picture of her and Chan the Instagram photographers had captured. Naty had never expected she would receive anything more than that moment. Somehow, she was now in a relationship with the man and on her way to see him. It was beyond a fantasy turned reality.

Chan had been such a kind, genuine, open individual to Naty. When she thought about her relationship the only thing she could think of was his bravery. To admit to their relationship was a huge act of honest love. Though he hadn't said "I love you" it was clear that he did. Did Naty deserve it?

Pain radiated through her at the thought. Naty had always had issues of self-worth that the people of the internet seemed to somehow zero in on. She was so afraid she didn't deserve him and he would realize. Not only that! She was afraid he would regret everything too!

A message suddenly popped up on her phone from Bang Chan. It was as if he could read her mind all the way in South Korea. Tears came to her eyes before she even opened the message.

Chan never made her feel unworthy. In fact, the man only ever made her feel like the perfect princess. Naty sighed as she considered what she had been working through in therapy. She had to consider the facts. Everything inside of her relationship was healthy and positive. No amount of hate could take that away.

The other thing she had been working on in therapy was what to do with her intrusive thoughts and insecurities. Naty had begun to imagine her mind as a beautiful garden that needed constant upkeep. When her insecurities grew strong and her anxieties were out of control it simply meant she needed to tend to her garden. She imagined the negative thoughts as weeds growing out of control. Using the facts as tools, Naty began removing the weeds and in their place planting seeds of love for herself and life in general.

A warmth filled her that made her feel safer than she had moments before. Her relationship with Chan was filled with two individuals doing their absolute best. They both cared for one another and they both deserved the love they gave to each other. She smiled at the understanding of her reality then opened the message only to be consumed with cuteness overload. It was a selfie of Chan completely styled with hair and make up for a photoshoot. He had a cute aegyo expression with his cheeks blown out and a finger poking his cheek. He looked adorable!

The message with the picture read: "I am so sorry about the phone call before but I miss you and am so excited to see you!"

She replied with her own selfie and the message: "Get ready for a thousand kisses on the super cute face of yours."

His response was: "I can't wait 😉!"

Naty suddenly found herself deeply inspired to write her letter.

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