Chapter 32. Betrayal

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My apologies guys because this chapter is going to be a tearjerker.

Micah's P.O.V

I really wanted to explain to Knightly why i couldn't wear his mark without reservations but Lilith ran in to the room and we couldn't continue our conversation. I could feel the rising anger in Knightly and when Lilith asked him if she could spend Sunday with me i didn't expect him to answer her like that.

Was Knightly doubting me now? i asked myself and it hurt me to see him not even giving me a second glance when he left the room. I decided to tell Knightly everything when i saw him on Sunday and stayed a little longer with Lilith then casted a spell to go home. 

When i arrived home i didn't feel like doing anything because the conversation i had with my father the night before was still fresh on my mind and Knightly's behavior was bothering me too. So i stayed in bed pondering about it. 

My father felt the change in my emotions when Nightly marked me last night and knew exactly what had happened. He let me stay with Nightly a little longer then summoned me home. He was already waiting for me in my room when i walked out of the bathroom all dressed.

I was shocked to see him and took a step back. Seeing my reaction my father rubbed his face with his hands and asked me "Do you know what will happen now Micah?" I shook my head and said "No dad and honestly i didn't mean to get marked". Hearing that my father walked up to me and stroked my head.

"I know Micah and i'm sorry but you have to conceal the mark because it's already calling out to rival packs. I had to put a spell on it not to get it noticed. Knightly's an alpha and alpha's show off their mates. That's how they show how proud they are of their mates and were already in trouble because i found out that one of the Araton family members is working with the demons. If he tells them were we live we'll never get rid of them. No matter how many we'll kill they'll keep coming back till were all finished"

My eyes widened hearing that because i remembered how dangerous a mates mark can be for us and i quickly said to my father "Knightly can help us dad. His pack will certainly give us protection if we need it". My father sighed while grabbing my shoulders and said "Micah, you can't rely on him because he'll not be there when you need him the most"

I hit his arms off my shoulders when i heard that and looked at him angrily. "Dad why do you always speak so negatively about Knightly?" i asked him in anger. My father looked in my eyes and said "Because he's a werewolf and i know werewolves all too well. The moment they feel betrayed they start seeing you as their enemy"

I huffed and yelled "But i'm his mate how can he see me like that?" My father shook his head and answered me with "Wait till you start traveling now that your mated". I sighed and looked at the floor because my father was right about that. 

I already knew that it would become difficult to participate in competitions if Nightly and i mated. That's why i have been searching for a way to make Nightly's soul feel complete when i wasn't around and i succeeded too but i wasn't going to tell my father about that. It was something between me and Nightly.

Seeing me all dejected my father caressed my cheek and said "Micah, i'm happy that you found your mate. You might not believe me but i truly am and the only thing i ask of you is to be careful because if something happens we'll all suffer the consequences".

I nodded my head in response and said "I understand dad and i'll be careful". My father pulled my head closer to him and gave me a kiss on my head. He then said "Good night Micah" and walked out of my room. 

The moment i heard the door close i grabbed the latest book my father gave me with spells and searched through it for a spell that could conceal my mark because i didn't want to cause any problems for my parents. But more importantly i didn't want to put their lives at risk and really hoped Knightly would understand my situation.

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