Chapter. 47 Knightly's wrath

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Knightly's P.O.V

Now that Micah was here the only thing that was on my mind was "Kill the werewolf king". Not only because he hurt my child but because he dared to claim my pack as his. A pack that i build for the better for my mate and children. I wasn't like other alpha's who waver when they are met with trouble. I never give up easily.  What's mine stays mine and no one should ever dare to take away what belongs to me.

I always knew that even if i was weak or powerless i would still fight to my last breath to keep what i hold dear. While running to the werewolf king i heard the howls of my pack members notifying me that they were free and i smiled to myself because i knew that they were now out for blood just like me.

I jumped over the werewolves that were standing as a shield to protect the werewolf king and they in response turned around to look at me with a stunned expression on their faces. I knew exactly why they were stunned. There were probably hundreds of protection spells surrounding them and i just broke them all.

I puffed out my chest with pride and growled as loud as i could. All the werewolves that were standing there fell on their knees and put their head down to show me submission. Seeing that the werewolf king growled in anger and i turned around to face him.

He was standing between the two witches looking in anger at me. I growled at him and took a stand to attack him. The king immediately started to fidget and the male witch put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. While looking at me he said to him "Don't worry your majesty we will protect you. He may have broken a few spells but he doesn't know what kind of powers we possess yet".

Hearing him say that Star chuckled in the back of my mind and said "They are so wrong. Our mate made sure that no spell would harm us. Let's find out what kind of damage they can do to us". I smiled to Star and looked at my mate who was fighting off a werewolf while holding our son in his arms.

 Micah looked beautiful in his true form and looking back at him i then truly understood why his father said that Micah would make me the luckiest man alive. Micah was someone pure who only knew how to give and never to take. 

He could have anyone as his mate but he chose me. Meeting him all those years ago at that store was the best thing that could ever happen to me and i was never going to let him go no matter what. Not even for my so called true mate.

"Him loving us is enough to make us undefeatable Star. We are lucky to have him as our mate otherwise we would be just another broken wolf" i said to Star and i leaped forward to sink my teeth in to the werewolf kings neck but before i could reach him the two witches pushed the werewolf king out of the way. Then the female witch frowned at me and said "You have to defeat us first before you can kill him".

I grinned at them and ran in full speed at them. They started casting spells after spells and i just ran through them like it was just a gust of wind. When they saw that they couldn't harm me with their spells they started conjuring spheres and throwing them at me.

I dodged them all and before they knew it i jumped on the male witches chest and pinned him down on the ground. I snapped at his face to make him submit to me but he conjured a knife and stabbed me in my neck with it.

I yelped in pain but i didn't let him go. The wound was luckily not so deep and it healed quickly. Nothing was going to make me lose my prey i thought to myself. I tore off the male witches arm which held the knife in anger and he screamed in pain. I was going to bite his head off next but before i could attack him the female witch conjured a sword and tried to stab me in my head with it. 

I jumped away on time and snarled at her. The female witch ran to her husband and casted a spell. The arm that i tore off grew back again and i looked in horror at them. " Demons, they have demon powers" Yelled Star in the back of my mind and i growled in anger. The witches looked in fear at me and i took a stand to attack them again. Maybe tearing off their head will help i thought to myself and it was like they understood what i was thinking.

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