Chapter. 38 The gathering

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Micah's P.O.V

I don't know why but when Knightly said "Micah, you're in every way perfect for me. Even if you don't talk or do anything. I just need your presence in my life and i'll be settled for all eternity" my heart melted. I have never even paid any attention to anyone besides my family and Kingsley's father i guess. I just work and take care of my son to the best i can but it's like Knightly demands attention from me. I still haven't figured out why.

I wouldn't even be near Knightly if i wasn't in trouble. The case of the rifts is really complicated and i really needed someone to take care of Kingsley because all of my family members were involved with the councils and needed to be at the Silverstone hotel for the gathering. The only one who would be free was Noah so he could take care of Kingsley and Natalee promised me that she would check on Kingsley from time to time on my behalf.

It really hurt to see my son cry his heart out because he didn't want to leave but i didn't have any other choice. That's why i'm glad that Knightly stepped up and asked me if he could take care of Kingsley but i wasn't going to tell him that. Kingsley could enjoy himself this way while i figured out what all these rifts were about and he seems to like Knightly very much.

 So far all the surrounding packs of this town had seen or felt a rift but most of them didn't even bother to tell the councils about it. The only pack that hasn't felt anything is the Silverstone pack which itself is very mind boggling.

I tried and succeeded to locate where the next rift was going to be in the hope to investigate it because we would be in trouble if demons were using the rifts to explore the pack grounds. I was very disappointed when i didn't discover anything particular. The rifts were only open for a few seconds before it disappeared. It was like it was sensing something.

The only thing i wanted to do when i came back to the hotel was to get my son, shower and sleep but when i saw how late it already was i thought about how i couldn't leave Kingsley alone for this long and decided that it was best if we stayed with Knightly. He was single anyway and it would be easier for him to take care of Kingsley this way.

But now i'm dreading my decision because i don't know why but i kissed Knightly. Maybe i was desperate and needed someone to console me. It was nice to feel wanted for once and i did realize what the rifts were about. I really should thank Knightly for that but i know that he would think that i used him.

Now i'm standing in his room facing the door not knowing what to do while he has his arms around my middle holding me tightly to his chest and breathing in my scent. I tried to calm him down one more time by saying "Knightly, please let me go. You really should wait for your mate to do this kind of stuff". He growled hearing that and said "You were not saying that when you were kissing me a few minutes ago which i loved by the way". 

He kissed me on my neck and purred. I couldn't take it anymore and was getting irritated so i turned around to face him. I grabbed his face and stroked his head. I then looked in his eyes and said "Knightly we really shouldn't do this". He smiled in response at me and moved his hands to my butt. I looked surprised at him but he just started to knead my butt.

Seeing his actions i yelled "Knightly don't" in anger. He chuckled at me and said "Don't worry love i won't do anything you don't want". I didn't believe him and said "Then why are your hands on my butt?" He laughed out loud and answered me with "Because your butt belongs to me" while he kissed me softly on my lips.

I pushed him back and tried to walk away from him but he grabbed me again and threw me on the bed. He climbed on top of me and i tried to push him off me but in reality i just wanted to use all my strength to knock him out. But i couldn't use my powers on him. It was like he read my mind and said "I know you're strong love but i'm a strong alpha too so don't try anything. I just want us to sleep together so lend me your chest for tonight"

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