Epilogue pt.1

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6 years later...

Jisoo's P.O.V.

"Eomma! I nweed hep!"

I looked over towards my daughter then softly smiled, "Did you ask Oppa if he could help?"

She shook her head, "I want Eomma to hep mwe!"

"Jungmi! Let me do it!" I watched as Jungsoo turned and helped his little sister get her hands clean from some makeup she was playing with. He came over to me then stood next to me and smiled, "Eomma why are you so happy today?"

I smiled and ruffled his hair careful not to move too much, "I'm getting married to your Appa today."

Jungsoo smiled showing his bunny teeth making me giggle and tap his nose, "Go to Samchon and put your outfit on."

"Which one?" Jungsoo asked while scrunching up his nose and I shrugged, "Which uncle is your favorite?"

"Eomma!" He whined making me laugh. He looked around and spotted Tae oppa walk past the room and ran after him. I shook my head and smiled then turned to Jungmi to see her still pouting.

"Awh, are you sad that Eomma didn't help you," I cooed and she nodded. I reached out my arms to her and she started walking to me. I pulled her onto my lap, "Eomma is busy, I'm sorry sweetie."

She turned her head a little to look at me before asking, "Why are dere pweople hitting your fwace Eomma?"

"They're doing my makeup," I slightly laughed and I could hear the makeup artist laugh too. Jungmi nodded satisfied with my answer then hopped off my lap and probably started looking for her dad.

Riri walked in and I smiled, "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Okay, but pregnant, you know?" She asked and I laughed, "Of course I know, 3 children and you kind of get used to it."

She smiled then moved a piece of hair from my face, "I saw Jungmi."

"Yeah, I think she went to go and find Jungkook. Oh god Jungkook, I'm getting so nervous," I breathed out and she smiled, "If you're worried about tripping while walking down the aisle, you should be. It's Yoongi we're talking about."

I laughed and shook my head. The makeup artist tapped my shoulder signaling she was done and I thanked her. I looked up in the mirror and immediately had to tilt my head back.

"I'm not crying, I just had my makeup done," I fanned my face a little and I could hear Riri laughing. I closed my eyes with my head still tilted back and took a few deep breaths.

I felt something soft press against my lips and my eyes opened. I sat upright then looked at Jungkook, "What are you doing here?"

"I know you didn't want me to see you until you were walking down the aisle but I couldn't help it," He said then held my hand making me smile, "Do you know where Junghyun is?"

He scoffed, "I come here to be all sweet and you ask if I know where our child is?"

"Yes because my children are my priority," I teased making Jungkook pout, "What about me?"

"Hmm, second?" I replied making him look at me with a blank face before he started to walk away. I stood up then hugged him from the back.

"What are you doing?" I could hear the smile in his voice and I smiled, "You, Jungsoo, Jungmi, and Junghyun are my whole life."

I let go of Jungkook and he turned around then kissed me on the forehead.

"You two are so sweet it's disgusting," I looked over at Riri and laughed, "What about you and my brother?"

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