Bonus: Highschoolers (Jungmi Edition)

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Once again, not really in highschool, but about her relationship with Namsun!

There are quite a few point of view changes, I apologize... But I hope you enjoy!!


2036 - Jungsoo (18 years old), Jungmi (16 years old), Junghyun (15 years old)

Jisoo's P.O.V.

Sometimes, I hate the fact that I have kids. Because I have to wake up at 6 in the morning to get them ready for school. Like who the fuck thought it was okay to have kids up and at em at this deathly time of day. I groaned and finished making breakfast before resting my forehead on the fridge door.

"What are you doing Jagi?"

I hear Jungkook ask and I mumbled, "Trying to cool down."

"Are you tired?" He asked as he pulled me away from the fridge then wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I rested my head on his chest before scoffing, "Unlike you, I like to have my beauty sleep.

"You don't need any though, you're already beautiful," Jungkook pulled away before kissing my forehead.


I pulled away from Jungkook to see Jungmi with her hand over Junghyun's eyes.

"Way to ruin the moment Noona," Junghyun moved her hand from his face before sitting down at the table, "Good morning Eomma and Appa!"

I handed a plate of breakfast to both Jungmi and Junghyun before ruffling the laters hair, "Morning."

Jungkook sat down at the table and helped himself to toast. I opened the fridge and gave everyone a Sprite, courtesy of Hobi oppa. That boy literally gives us a 12 pack of Sprite every other day... I shook my head then turned to face everyone.

I sighed when I realized Jungsoo wasn't at the table. I looked over at Jungkook to see him innocently spreading jam on his toast. He realized I was looking at him, "What?"

"Go get Jungsoo," I said and took his toast making him pout, "Bu-"


I gave his toast to Junghyun and held in a smile when he shoved the whole piece in his mouth before smiling at his Appa. Jungkook looked at Junghyun and then at me before sighing and heading upstairs.

"Eomma," Jungmi groaned and I looked at her, "Hmm?"


"What hurts?" I went over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "My stomach."

I cringed then smiled knowingly, "It's that time right?"

She nodded and Junghyun looked between the both of us before asking, "Is Noona bleeding again?"

"Hyunie, never say that again," Jungmi groaned making me laugh a little, "Hyun-ah, can you get the painkillers for your Noona?"

He nodded and hopped off his chair before coming back with painkillers in one hand, water in the other, "Here you go Noona!"

Jungkook and Jungsoo came downstairs as Jungmi downed the painkillers. Jungkook frowned and came over to me, "Are you okay Mia?"

Jungmi softly nodded and Jungsoo looked at his sister before handing her some money. Jungmi looked up at him confused and he sighed, "I can't help you hurt less, so buy some chocolate or something with this whenever you can."

Jungmi's P.O.V.

I smiled softly at Oppa, "Thank you."

I put the money in my backpack then stood still as I felt another cramp. Aish, why is this so painful?! Letting out a deep breath, I rested my head on Jungsoo oppa's shoulder.

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