Ch.4 "Cornered"

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                                                  Hayden POV 

I clutched my books tightly too my chest as I walked the halls of the school, my body just hurt, the pounding I got when I returned home late last night,

lets just say my parents were not happy, 

But my current dilemma is I have this strange feeling I'm being watched I thought as I make it to the last class of the day, 

Math, I absolutely hate math, I thought as I doodled in my book, I drew a figure with a hood with their piercing red eyes seen from under the hood, 

Finally after what felt like forever the bell rang, I gathered my things from my locker and walked out of the school 

I was walking down the street when I heard two people land behind me, 

                                   Clint POV 

The next day we followed the red dot, we were on top of a high building, I had binoculars, 

"Are you sure your reading that right?" Nat asked 

"Oh, yeah, she's in there," I said 

"Okay, so Bullseye is a kid, and she goes to this school," Nat said 

"Seems like it all we have to do is wait until school lets out they bam we find out which one is the kid with an amazing shot," I said 

"Sure how hard could it be to convince a teenage girl to come with two strangers, Nat said 

I just shrugged 

Finally school let out, the red dot was still inside the school until it started moving, a petite girl with long sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, she had a book bag slung over one side of her shoulder as she walked down the street, 

"That's her," I said 

Nat nodded and we made our entrance 

                                           Hayden POV 

I turned around, 

"Are you two lost can I help you?" I asked 

"Don't play dumb we know who you are," Widow said 

"Don't know what your talking about," I said turning around and starting to walk away 

"Are you really going to play it this way?" Widow asked 

I turned around glaring fiercely at her, 

"Look I don't want any trouble, don't you two have something more important to do than harass  a teenage girl?" I said 

They looked at each other, I can understand their confusion, most kid would gush over the avengers even glancing their way, not me I don't trust no adult, 

"I didn't think so," I said turning around starting to walk away, 

"Were not leaving without you kid," Hawkeye said 

"Well sorry to disappoint you but I'm not going anywhere with you two," I said 

I went to leave yet again, but this time the winter solider was standing in front of me, and Captain America was standing next to Black widow 

"look kid we can do this the easy way.." Hawkeye said 

"Or the hard way," Widow said 

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