Ch. 92 "double trouble"

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                                                Hayden POV 

I hear birds chirping, my head laying on something hard and firm, different compared to what the rest of my body was laying on, 

I feel sunlight hitting my face, 

My heavy eyelids fluttered open, 

I see the semi long grass bending lightly in the breezed, I hear the rustling of the leaves from the trees around us, the sound of waves crashing below,

I closed my eyes again, still very tired, 

Then I shot up realizing, 

I looked around realizing we never went back to the tower, 

I quickly grabbed my watch from the bag, 

I looked at the time and my heart dropped, 


I started to really panic, I am in deep trouble, 

I see Pietro staring at me clearly amused by my panic state, 

"Something wrong princess," He said leaning on his hand as his elbow was on the ground, 

"Yes, Clint is going to kill me then you," I said as I got up, 

"You worry too much princess," He said 

"And you don't worry enough, do you realized we stayed here all night, I'm surprised they didn't send a search party for us," I said stuffing the blanket in the back pack, 

"I'm gonna be in intense training for a month, who knows what they are going to do to you," I said putting the containers from the food in the bag, 

He chuckled seeing my point, 

"Not to mention having three skilled assassins after your ass," I said 

That's when he realized the seriousness of this, 

"Oh.." He said 

"Yeah, oh, who knows what they are going to do, Nat can get very creative when she's upset," I said 

"How creative?" He asked worried, 

"You don't want to know," I said as we both started walking back to the tower, 

I was looking in every direction because I was just hoping none of them caught on that I wasn't in the tower all night, and I am just coming back at almost noon, 

Oh man know Clint, I'm so dead, 

"Let's just hope by some miracle they didn't notice," I said 

He nodded seeing my panic, 

"It will be alright," He said 

I nodded, 

"Okay, I'll go first then you follow," I said 

He nodded, 

I walked through the lobby I hit the button, to the elevator, the elevator door opened, and there stood the entire team not looking too happy what so ever, 

Except Wanda who looked amused clearly reading my thoughts, 

"Where were you?" Clint said marching towards me sound stern as I've ever heard, 

"Clint I can ex-" I said in a panic 

"Then tell me where you were," He said sternly 

Oh god he is pissed, not just him everybody was, except Wanda, 

"She was with me," Pietro said walking out of the Elevator 

Okay that was bold, 

Clint's eyes okay scratch that everyone's eyes widen even Wanda's, I thought Peter was going to fall off the couch, 

"Hayden Room... Now," Clint said not happy what so ever, 

"But-" I began 

"I said now," He said pointing 

He didn't even look at me, he was too busy glaring at Pietro, 

You know what, I'm not taking this, 

I crossed my arms, 

"No," I said sternly 

I heard everyone gasp, 

Okay suddenly I feel like were on trial here, 

"Excuse me?" Clint said 

"I'm not a little kid, so No I'm not going to my room," I said 

"I don't care go to your room," He said 

"No," I said starting to get angry, 

"You won't let me go back out in the field, you don't let me leave without some sort of supervision, so why does this come to a surprise to you," I said crossing my arms, 

"Kid has a point," Tony said 

Clint glared at him, 

"Sorry," He said 

"This has nothing to do with that," Clint said 

"Really, because you are acting like I was out taking HYDRA out by myself!" I said 

I was breathing heavily, 

"Bucky," Clint said 

Suddenly Bucky through me over his shoulder, 

"Hey! knock it off!!," I said 

"I'm not done!" I said yelling, 

"We know," Bucky said walking down the hall with me over his shoulder, 

                          Clint POV 

To say I was angry was an understatement, Pietro backed up to the wall, 

"I can explain," He said 

"Please do, and careful how you explain," Nat said 

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