Ch. 20 "Hit something"

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                                               Hayden POV 

So right now I'm sitting on the couch, slouching with my arms crossed, 

"Hayden!" Nat said 

I looked at her, 

"What?" I said 

"I Said do you want to explain what the hell you were thinking, I told you to stay out of trouble," She said clearly angry but she was hiding it very well, 

"Well he started it, I just thought I would finish it," I mumbled 

She narrowed her eyes at me while Clint had his arms crossed, 

"Look he pushed Peter that he hit the opposite wall, so I just thought I would give him a taste of his own medicine," I said 

"Hayden you can't just take on someone twice your size and besides it wasn't your battle Peter can take care of himself," Clint said 

"I've done it before." I mumbled 

"What was that?" Nat said 

"Nothing, forget it," I said standing up, 

"That's it, Hayden starting tomorrow I am training you no if's and's or but's we need to get your anger in check," Nat said 

"I don't need training," I said looking at her, 

"We will see about that," Clint said smirking 

"And another thing you are not leaving this tower without supervision," She said 

"You can't be serious, you do know I have school," I said crossing my arms

"Yeah, about that," Tony said walking in 

"As of today, you have been taken out of public school and are now home schooled," Tony said 

I was starting to get angry, 

I balled my hands into fists, I was getting angry and frustrated, 

"No offense, but you guys are not my parents," I said glaring at Tony, 

"Right, your parents a couple of sociopathic people who are connected to HYDRA and tried to sell you to HYDRA," Tony said 

Clint and Nat looked at Tony stunned he even said such a thing, They were looking at me for a reaction, I just simply closed my eyes then turned around and walked out of the room, 

                                         Clint POV 

I really thought Hayden was going to tackle Tony to the ground at that statement, I mean the kid's anger is unpredictable some times, 

But she just simply closed her eyes, then turned around walking out of the room, I looked at her hands they were balled into tight fists that they were turning white, I think it was taking everything she had not to punch Tony at that statement, 

"What the hell Tony?" I said 

"What?" He said 

"That was uncalled for," Nat said 

"She is just accepting the fact that her parents were horrible people, then you had to throw that in her face!" I said 

Tony just shrugs, 

I went to go find her, I checked the training room, her room, the roof, I couldn't find her, 

"FRIDAY where is Hayden?" I asked 

"She seems to have left ten minutes ago," FRIDAY said 

"What?!" I said running out the room, 

                                       Hayden POV 

After what Tony said I was in desperate need to hit something, something other than a punching bag, I thought 

I was in my outfit, 

Yes I get it, Clint and Nat are right I need to get my anger in check, but they have to understand that was what got me through what my parents did to me, anger is what made me survive, It was all I had, 

It was what made me become bullseye, but if I let my anger go, what would I have left would I become a different person, or if I keep it pent up would I just end up exploding, I thought 

I jumped building to building 

One thing I did know is I really needed to hit something,

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