Ch. 79 "Cold"

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                                               Hayden POV 

My current situation has me considering getting tortured again, because this is far worse, I thought 

Right now can't can't tell if I'm hot or cold, I'm wrapped like a burrito in my blankets in my room, shivering, 

Reliving each hell I've had to suffer in my life, 

Clint and Nat had to go on a mission yesterday, I told him I was fine that I felt better, that it was probably nothing since I was training a little prior to him saying I had a fever, 

But boy was I wrong, 

"Miss Barton would you like me to inform someone, your current fever is, 103.9 and rising," FRIDAY said 

"No, I'm fine," I mumbled as I shivered, 

I closed my eyes falling asleep finally, 

I hear talking, 

"How long has she been like this?" I hear Tony say 

"I don't know I came to check her room since I didn't see her all day and she didn't show up to her training," Bucky said 

I felt a cool hand on my forehead, 

"Oh god she's burning up," I hear Steve 

"Barton is going to kill us when he finds out we let her get this bad," Tony said panicked 

"Your worried about that now?" Bucky said 

I groaned 

"Hayden can you hear me?" Bucky said 

"How can I no, you guys are noisy," I mumbled 

My eyes slowly cracking open, 

"How do you feel?" Steve asked 

"Like I wanna get stabbed again," I mumbled 

"Oh that bad?" Tony said 

I nodded 

"I'm gonna get Bruce," Tony said leaving the room, 

I closed my eyes as I brought the covers closer to my chin as I shivered, 

"Why didn't you say anything?" Bucky asked 

"Didn't think it was that bad," I said as my teeth chattered, 

"Not that bad? Hayden you have a sky rocketing fever," Steve said 

"Really? I couldn't tell," I said 

I hear rushing footsteps, 

"Is she alright I heard she's-" I hear Clint, 

My eyes slowly crack open, I see Clint and Nat standing there Clint looked panicked, 

"Hayden.." He said sitting on the edge of the bed, 

He felt my forehead that felt cold to the touch, 

"Have you guys given her anything?" Clint asked 

"No we just found out about it," Bucky said crossing his arms clearly not happy about me not saying anything, 

Soon enough Bruce and Tony walked in, 

"Okay everyone out, I need to check out her condition," Bruce said 

Everyone walked out, 

"Okay Hayden do you think you can sit up for me?" He asked 

I nodded slowly sitting up, 

a lot of things were going through my mind, but one thing I was sure of is that for the first time in a long time since I was a kid I was sick, and not just a little cold but a major one that leaves you confused if you are hot or cold, 

And I don't like it what so ever, being sick was the last thing on my mind, 

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