Ch. 12 "Not Good"

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                                                           Hayden POV 


"I asked you to do one thing and you can't even do that right!" My mother yelled as she back handed me

"I asked you to clean the damn house!" She yelled as I was on the floor holding my cheek, 

Next thing my dad started to kick, 

"You should have been a boy!!" He said 

"But instead I got stuck with a disappointment of a girl!" He continued to kick, 

I grabbed his ankle which was a mistake he grabbed a fist full of my hair and threw me down the wooden stairs to the basement, 

                                                   End Nightmare 

I gasped awake jolting up, causing a few machines to beep racially, 

"Easy, you have a collapsed lung, and a few broken ribs," Bruce said 

"What happened?" I asked pulling the oxygen from my nose, 

"You collapsed," He said 

"Oh, how long was I out

"Two days," he said 

I nodded sitting on the edge of the bed taking off the wires, 

"Hayden you really should rest," He said 

"I'll rest later," I said taking all the wires off

"Just take it easy," He said 

"I will," I said smiling at him, 

I grabbed my gear that was on the counter and left, 

                                          Clint POV 

Me and Nat are watching Hayden's house, something just doesn't feel right, I don't like it, she did not get those injuries from in the field, I seen how the kid fights, so either it's was her home life or school, I thought 

We were on a roof top watching them, that is until a few people with the HYDRA symbol on their coats entered the home, 

"Her parents are HYDRA?" Nat asked 

"I don't know?" I said 

"Call Fury he needs to know about this," I said 

She nodded stepping away,

I continued to watch through the binoculars, I didn't like this at all, Then I see a familiar figure walking down the street, 

Hayden, she climbed the tree, balanced herself on a thick branch and opened the window to the two story house, 

"Kid get out of there," I said 

                                   Hayden POV 

I change out of my outfit and hide my equipment, and change into normal clothing, When I hear shouting, 

Looks like my parents have guests again, I thought sitting on the bed, 

I let out a sigh, I just wish I had a normal family, 

That's when I heard heavy footsteps approaching my room fast, 

The door flew open, My parents and their friends, I look a Symbol, 

No! their HYDRA! I thought 

"Look who's finally home," My dad said smirking 

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