Ch. 40 "The pain"

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                                                   Hayden POV 

Darkness that's all I could see, that's all I could remember, maybe if I'm lucky the avengers put me out of my misery, I though, 

But I'm not that lucky, I thought, 

I felt softness underneath me, The sound of beeping, 

I felt something warm in my hand, 

Come on Hayden wake up, I thought 

I slowly turn my head trying to wake up,

"Guys," I heard it sounded like Tony

I turned my head again, I was trying to open my eyes, but it seemed easier said than done, I thought 

"Look she did it again," I heard a voice that sounded like Nat, 

My head was killing me, I thought 

"Hayden can you hear me?" I heard a voice It sounded like Clint, 

I slowly turned my head again this time I moved some of my fingers a little, seeing if I can control my own body, not under control of my parents and HYDRA, 

finally after much struggle, my eyes flutter open, the blinding light, hurt my head, my head felt like it was on fire, like someone was squeezing it, 

I closed my eyes wincing at the pain, 

"Dim the lights," I hear Clint say, 

"Alright kid try again," I hear Bucky 

Slowly my eyes flutter open, and the lights are low and I can finally take in my surroundings, I try to move my hand to my head and I can't, 

I look down and my hands are strapped to the bed and I start to panic, 

"Hey, hey easy, we had to be cautious, how are you feeling?" Clint said 

"Like I'm getting over the worst hangover ever," I said in a raspy voice 

They all looked at me relieved 

"Not that I've experienced that," I quickly said 

They all laughed, 

"Can you take these off, I promise I won't strangle anyone," I said 

"Alright," Clint said chuckling 

As soon as her released my wrists My right hand went right to my forehead, trying to dull the pain, 

"That is going to be there for a while Kid, That device was affecting the part of the brain that controls your motor skills," Tony said 

"I know," I said slowly sitting up, 

"How do you know?" Nat asked 

"My father gave me the info before putting it on me," I said 

They looked concerned, 

"What's more kick in the ass is I could see everything I was doing and couldn't do anything to stop it," I said wincing 

"Don't worry Steve Wanda, Thor and Sam are paying them a little visit right now," Tony said 

I blinked a few times, 

"Good to know," I said 

"Besides the fact that the X- ray on your brain is lighting up like christmas lights, you've got four cracked ribs, a collapsed lung but we fixed that, and bruising on your kidney, pancreas and liver, and a concussion" Tony said concerned 

"This isn't my first rodeo, I can handle it," I said pulling the blankets off of me, 

"Oh no you don't your staying in bed," Clint said pushing me gently down and covering me back up, 

"Seriously I was running around stopping crime with six broken ribs and a fractured tail bone before it's nothing I'm not used to," I said about to get out of bed again, 

"Yeah, but last time you didn't have the avengers there to order you to stay in bed," Nat said 

"Hayden you need rest and not just physical but mentally," Bucky said 

I just rolled my eyes, 

"Don't do that," Clint said 

I crossed my arms

"This is stupid," I mumbled 

Clint chuckled 

"It only means we care," He said 

Everyone left saying they had to take care of a few things, Clint went to get me something to drink,

Now that I'm alone with my own mind, it's not good, hearing the screams of my victims in my ears, as I took their life, as they begged for me to let them live, for their family, to give them a second chance, 

I would have just left them alone, but I couldn't I had no control so I took their life, the blood smeared on my skin on my clothes, the look in their eyes as I took their life, I thought 

I will haunt me for the rest of my life, I thought 

A knock brings me out of my thoughts, I see Bucky, 

"I know that look," He said 

"What look?" I said putting my defenses up, 

"Guilt," He said 

I look away from him, 

"What do I have to feel guilty about," I said with a bit of anger, 

"Whatever the hell they made you do," He said 

Still looking away, 

"I don't know what you mean," I mumbled 

I hear someone walk in the room, I look to see Clint, 

"Alright one cherry coke, and sesame chicken with brown rice," Clint said 

"Thank you," I said 

Bucky smiled 

The three of us, sat there and talked, but deep in the back of my mind was are my parents going to come after me again, and when I thought 

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