Ch. 16 "Talk"

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                                                       Hayden POV 

After Bucky fixed up my knuckles he told me to try and get some sleep, But I knew that wasn't going to happen, 

So I went up to the roof, I was leaning against the railing, looking at the Sun start to rise, and a little after, 

Then I heard the door open, but I didn't bother looking I was just too sucked into my own thoughts, 

"So this is where you are," I heard Clint, 

I just nodded watching the clouds, 

"You do know you can talk to me, instead of bottling everything up until you explode," He said 

"Yeah, didn't exactly mean for that to happen," I mumbled 

"A lot of things came out I didn't want anyone to know," I said now looking down at the traffic, 

"Yeah, well that's what happens when you bottle everything up, it's bound to explode eventually," He said as he stood next to me, 

"I've gathered that," I mumbled 

He chuckled 

"So here's the deal, you are going to stay here, you can go to school, and me and Nat will work with you on the anger thing," He said 

"I don't really have a choice do I?" I said 

"None what so ever," He said chuckling 

"Besides you might hang around all of us long enough you might start enjoying yourself," Clint said 

"Besides we can train you," He said 

"I don't need training," I said 

"We'll see about that," He said smirking 

"Oh and that reminds me, follow me," He said walking towards the door, 

So I did I followed him, like a damn puppy, down a few hallways, until we enter a room, 

"Wait here," He said 

I nodded 

He disappeared into another room, and came back holding my bow out to me, I smiled and took it, he also had my quiver, 

"Found them when you sprinted out of the house," He said 

I nodded still looking at my bow playing with the string, 

"Thank you," I said below a whisper, 

I looked at him, he looked shocked at first but then smirked, 

"Did you just say thank you?" He asked 

"Don't let it go to your head," I mumbled walking out of the room with him right beside me, 

He chuckled while we walked, 

"Why don't you go put that away, we can have breakfast with the avengers then.." He paused 

"Then?" I asked 

"Then I want to see what you can do," He said 

I nodded smirking 

And I'm going to show him exactly what I'm capable of, I thought 

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