Ch. 105 "Leaving" Ending Book 1

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                                                        Hayden POV

It has been a few days since I got the cure, I have been dodging, because honestly....

I have been considering it, I mean whenever in my life have I done something for me,

Exploring the world with Pietro would be wonderful, exciting,

See the world for myself,

I was currently sitting on the ledge of the roof, watching the sun rise,

"So this is where you've been?" I hear Clint,

I look over my shoulder,

I smiled at him,

"Yeah," I said

"Nat told me what she said to you," Clint said sitting next to me,

"Hmm," I said

It was quiet for a while,

"I think you should go," He said

My head snapped in his direction,

"What?" I asked

"Yeah, I know I'm surprised myself, but he does bring things out in you, and I don't want you too keep having to fight all the time, if this last time has proven anything, is that you need to get away, even if it is for a little while," Clint said

"But.." I said

I guess he could see the hesitation in my eyes, he cupped my cheek with his hand,

"Don't worry my little bird when your ready you can come back and I'll be waiting right here," He said

He kissed the top of my head, and got up and walked off,

If Clint is even encouraging this, then maybe I should,

I nodded to myself,

I finally made up my mind,

I spent the rest of the day packing the necessities in a back pack, saying my goodbyes, to the team, and shield,

Taking care of school affairs,

My last training session with Bucky and Steve, We hugged after the session,

"Just remember keep your wits about you kid," Bucky said

"And you can alway call us if you ever need anything,"  Steve said

I smiled and hugged the both of them,

Wanda was next,

"Remember just because you are with my brother doesn't mean you can't call and tell me when he is being a pain in the ass, I will find him and put him back in place for you," She said

I chuckled hugging her,

Tony was next,

"Remember kid don't do anything I wouldn't do," He said smirking,

"Really Tony?" I said chuckling as I hugged him

Nat was next,

"I am so glad you are taking my advice for once," She said hugging me,

"Don't let it go to your head," I said chuckling,

It was like that all day, when It was finally time to leave It was dark the stars were bright in the sky, but I did get an unexpected surprise before we left,

Laura showed up,

(Video for effect)

"Laura?" I asked as we were about to leave the tower,

"You really didn't think I was going to say goodbye to you before you leave did you?" She said smiling

I hugged her,

She petted my hair,

"Be careful out there," She said

I nodded we parted, Clint stood by her,

All three of us hugged,

I kissed them both on the cheek,

"I love you guys," I said

We parted,

"Just be safe," Clint said clearly this was as hard for him as it was for me,

"I will," I said

Pietro stood next to me,

"And you take care of her, anything happens to her, I will make sure I hunt you down," Clint said

"With my life I will protect her," Pietro said

We slowly walked out of the tower, I looked over my shoulder look at each and every person I grew to know,

Sure I put up a fight, but I love each and everyone of them,

I smiled at them,

Clint nodded,

Pietro took my hand and we both left New York starting our own adventure,

Book two is "Avengers Family "

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