Ch. 37 "With the Enemy"

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                                                      Hayden POV 

Drip, Drip, Drip, 

As I slowly start to regain consciousness, my senses slowly coming back to me, The side of my head hurt, 

My eyelids slowly flutter open, I look around, I'm in a dark room, my wrists bound behind a chair, 

My memory slowly coming back to me, 


Me and the rest of the avenger were fighting off HYDRA, Me and Nat were back to back, 

"This is awesome," I said as I jumped over her kicking one of them in the head, 

"Don't get cocky," She said as I ducked she punched another HYDRA agent 

"I know but you have to admit it is pretty cool," I said as I flipped one agent onto the floor 

"You seriously have some thrill issues," She said 

"Says the woman who had two guns stored away who knows where," I said 

She chuckled 

"Uh girls sorry for interrupting but we are in the middle of a fight," Clint said punching a agent 

Just as we defeated them more showed up, 

"Hayden now I'm serious go!" Clint said 

I sighed 

"Please go!" Clint said 

"Alright," I said 

I ran down the hallway towards my room, 

But as I turned the corner something hard came in contact with the side of my head and everything went black, 

                                             End Flashback 

I tried struggling against the ropes that were tight against my wrists, I need to get out of here, where ever here is, 

                                         Clint POV 

I paced back and forth, I witnessed HYDRA take Hayden, and I was powerless to do anything, we had to fight the agents storming the tower, 

By the time we defeated them she was gone along with her parents, 

"We need to figure out where the hell they took her!" I said 

"Were trying, they seemed to have bugged the camera system," Tony said 

"It will be a little bit until FRIDAY debugs it," Tony said 

"How long?" I said 

"Minutes, hours depends how bad it is," Tony said 

"We need to find her now!" I said 

"Believe me we know but it's going to take time," Tony said 

"Tony I promised her I wouldn't let anything happen, now she is in the hands of the two people who made her life a living hell, and what's worse is they are in league with HYDRA!" I said 

"We know Clint but we need to remain calm, we will find her but it's going to take some time," Tony said 

"I promise you will be the first to know," Tony said 

I nodded walking out, I was on the roof of the tower, 

I hear the door, Nat was standing next to me, 

"You alright?" She asked 

"I need her back Nat, I promised I would keep her safe, that nothing was going to happen to her, that those parents were never going to ever touch her again," I said 

"I know, but she's a tough kid, lets just hope we find her soon," Nat said 

I just nodded, 

                                                  Hayden POV 

As I continued to struggle the big metal door opens making a sickening screeching noise, then slams shut, 

I could hardly see due to how dark the room is, and with no windows, 

The heavy footsteps getting closer until they are right in front of me, my breath got caught in my throat 

"Hello sweetheart," He said smirking with a sinister smile on his face 

"Dad?" I said in disbelief,

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