Ch. 84 "Terrified"

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                                                 Hayden POV 

Surprisingly I learned as me and Pietro ate at breakfast we have some things in common, other than the anger thing, 

He is charming, funny, and he interests me, after all the time we have spent when I was waiting from my shoulder to heal, 

I did learn that he does like horror movies, 

I also learned what happened to his and Wanda's parents and how they were manipulated by a robot but all of that was forgiven, 

I can't exactly relate since you know my parents hate me, well they are not my parents anymore, 

Clint and Laura are now, 

We ate and talked and it was surprisingly pleasant, we walked out of the cafe, 

"So what do you say princess, date or casual?" He asked 

I smirked 

"I'll leave it up to your imagination," I said kissing his cheek, and walked back to the tower, 

that afternoon I couldn't stop thinking about my nightmare, so I decided to do something that was way way, out of character for me, 

I stuck to Clint like glue, 

I mean every where he went I followed except the bathroom that would be creepy, and every time he asked 

I would just say, 

"I just want to spend time with you jeez," I said shrugging 

It was now dinner time and I'm sitting next to him at the table, I didn't really eat just played with my food with my fork, 

looking at it in a daze, 

"Don't like Chinese?" Tony asked 

I looked up at him lazily, 

Everyone stopped what they were talking about or doing, 

"Just not very hungry," I mumbled 

Everyone looked at each other, 

"Just drop it alright," I said 

I laid my table cloth on the table and walked out, 

I walked up to the roof, leaning along the railing, watching the sun go down, as the breeze blew my hair in all directions, 

I took a deep breath and exhaled, 

Every time I close my eyes, I see the look in Clint's eyes as he gets shot by Eric, as he slowly dies, I shake my head opening my eyes, 

I'm not going to let that happen not if I can help it, I don't care if I have to kill him myself, I thought glaring at the sky, 

"I don't know what the sky did to you to deserve such a mean glare but it better apologize," Clint said standing next to me, 

"What are you doing here?" I asked 

"I know something is bothering you, and I was going to wait until you were ready to tell me what is bothering you so badly that you can't talk to me, but it looks like I'm going to have to force it out of you again," He said 

"Nothing is bothering me it's just..." I asked 

"What?" He asked looked at me concerned

"Do you ever have nightmares?' I asked 

"They coming back?" He asked 

"No, this one was different," I said shaking my head, 

"Different how?" He asked 

I looked away, 

"Please talk to me," Clint said 

"Clint I've had a lot of nightmares..." I said 

I looked at him he looked a little shocked by this, 

"But this one... this one terrified the hell out of me," I said holding back tears, 

"Come on let's talk about this somewhere else," Clint said guiding me off the roof,

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