Ch. 57 "Help me"

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                                                Clint POV 

We got intel about a day ago, Eric Got his hands on Hayden, right now we are all in position just outside the city, and abandoned house, 

"Everything is clear here," I said 

"Any movement inside?" Nat asked 

"My sensors pick up one heat signature," Tony said 

"Okay everyone move in slowly stay cautious," Steve said 

I kept my bow ready to shoot, 

everyone searched, there was a stair case leading to a basement, I see a bloody hand print on the side of the wall, 

"I think I found something," I whispered, 

"Were on our way," Nat said 

I opened the door, and walked down the stair case slowly, there was a sting to a light, and I pulled on it, the light flickered and swung, 

the stairs creaked,as I stepped on the wooden stairs, there was blood on the railing, 

I was afraid of what I was going to find, but nothing prepared me for what I saw, 

I see pool of blood on the floor under a broken to pieces wooden chair, I see a knife on the other side of the room, I hear a groan, 

And I follow the noise, I see Eric, his face beaten to a pulp, a knife in his lower abdomen as blood oozed out of it, 

I grabbed him by the collar, 

"Where is she!?" I yelled, 

Eric chuckled, 

"Do I really look like I know, who knew the little bitch had any fight in her," He said 

I right hooked him, making him fall to the ground with a groan, 

"I need a medic down here," I said angry, 

I wanted him to die, but he is the only one who knows what happened to Hayden, 

Nat and Steve walked in looking at the scene, Nat collected some of the evidence, and we left, 

after we got back to the tower we were waiting for Tony to run the test of the evidence and wait for Eric to come out of surgery, 

Tony walked out, 

"The blood pool and the hand prints are..." Tony said 

"A match to Hayden's DNA," He said 

My eyes wide, I stood up about to leave, 

"Where are you going?" Nat said 

"I need to find her, she's hurt, who knows how bad," I said 

"And where are you going to start?" She said 

I paused, 

"From where she ran from," I said 

But before anyone could say anything, my phone rang, I look to see it's Laura, that's weird this isn't the time we normally call one another I thought 

"Hello?" I said 

                                                 Hayden POV 

I was on a motor Bike heading further and further away from where I was outside of the city, I just hope he doesn't follow me, I was growing weaker by the second but I knew exactly where I was going, it was the closest place, 

                                               Flash Back

Eric Punched me in the face, repeatedly blood filling up my mouth, my head hurting feeling bones crunching in my face, 

My head hung, blood falling from my lips out of my mouth, 

"Oh don't go passing out on me yet sweetheart," He said 

"We're just getting started, for everything you put me and your mother through," He said 

"Me..?" I said having a hard time breathing, 

"What about you, kicking the shit out of a teenage girl who has done nothing to you... that is what I call pathetic," I said 

Then he stabbed me in the shoulder with a knife, causing me to scream in pain, 

"You got some nerve talking to me like that girl!" He said pulling out the knife, 

Right now I'm working on the knot binding my hands behind the chair, 

Then He began punching me in the stomach, causing me to grunt, 

"You were a mistake from the beginning!" He said 

"Me? you are nothing! you are a pathetic excuse for a parent!" I said 

Then he jabbed the knife in my side, and just before the knife made it all the way in I broke the bindings behind me, head butting him, making him stumble back, I grabbed the knife pulling out 

I threw it across the room, I grabbed the chair knocking it over his head, making it break into a million pieces, I decked him to the floor and began punching him in the face as many times as I could, then I grabbed a knife as I began walking out of the room, 

but then I'm grabbed from behind resulting in me stabbing him in the stomach making him fall to the ground with that I took off running,

                                        End Flashback, 

as I rode the motor bike down a familiar dirt road I slowly got off, I was getting weaker, I stumbled to the front steps, banging my palm on the front door, 

The light to the porch turned on, I was in such a daze I don't even know how I made it this far, 

The door opened revealing Laura, 

"Hayden?" She said shocked 

"Help me..." Then everything went black, 

                                           Clint POV 

"Whoa, Whoa slow down," I said 

"Clint It's Hayden she showed up here, coved in blood and cut up and she's hurt I did everything I could but.." She said in a panic, 

"Just keep her comfortable I'm on my way," I said hanging up, 

I walked in the main room seeing the team, 

"She made it to my house, Laura said she's hurt bad," I said 

"I'm going with," Nat said 

"So are we," Bucky said Steve nodded, 

"Banner I'm going to need your help," I said 

He nodded, 

"Lets go," I said and we walked out

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