Ch.82 "Tell me"

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                                       Hayden POV 

I was sitting against the fluffy pillows in the bed with my arms crossed as Clint lectured but to tell you the truth I've kinda tuned him out, 

I can only take so much, being sick, and my what would you call him? sperm donor? Yeah we'll roll with that one, I thought 

Can't call that bastard my father all he did was make me in my book, I just rolled my eyes at the fact the ass hat didn't want me to exist wanted me to be a boy, and yet he still seeks me out, I thought 

"Hayden!" Clint said 

I looked in his direction, 

"Did you even listen to a word I said," He said crossing his arm,

"I'm sorry can you repeat that?" I said with a scratch voice 

"I said what on earth were you doing out of bed in your condition?" He said 

I glared at him, 

"Condition? I have the flue, I'm not dying," I said 

"Don't take that tone with me," He said 

"I'm not take a tone I'm just stating the obvious," I said 

"Well don't," Clint said 

"Your extra feisty today any reason why?" Nat said 

I just rolled my eyes, 

I just looked away from them, I felt the bed dip, 

I looked at Clint, with his freaking concerned face, 

"Hayden whats going on?" He asked 

"Nothing alright," I said with a bit of attitude 

"Hayden," Nat said 

I just rolled my eyes hard, 

"Hayden" Clint said 

I started to slouch, 

"Now Hayden," Nat said 

"Look last night..." I began 

but trailed off, 

"Go on," Clint said 

"He called me," I said 

They looked at each other,

"Who called you?" Nat said 

"You know who, the bastard who has tormented me since I was born," I said 

"What did he say?" Clint said 

"He said that he was out and was going to find me," I said 

"So I thought I would go see for myself," I said 

They looked at each other again, 

"Would you two stop doing that," I mumbled as I sneezed 

"Ugggh," I said laying my head back, 

Clint smirked he placed his hand on my forehead, 

"Still have a fever," Clint said 

"I'll go get the medicine," Clint said 

I nodded 

I started couching again, 

Not long Clint walked in with the medicine 

"Here take this," Clint said 

"I'm fine," I said 

"Take it now.." Clint said 

"Fine," I said 

"Don't have to use your bossy voice," I mumbled 

"Only thing that works on you," Clint said 

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