Ch. 32 "Goodbye"

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                                                          Hayden POV 

After my talk with Laura last night, I just tossed and turned, her words echoed in my mind, she is right though, 

"Family isn't always blood it's the people in my life who want me in theirs the one's who accept me for who I am, the one's who would do anything to see me smile who love me no matter what, no matter the flaws" 

I sat up in the bed, I got dressed, 

Does that mean the avengers are my family? I thought 

I shook my head, I walked out of the room, down the stairs and on the front porch, leaning against the railing, looking at the sun rising, 

I felt myself smile just a little, How did she do it, break the rough edges I try to put on for the world, 

She seen through it some how and for the first time in a long time I felt as if I could let down my walls just for a little while without any kind of consequences, 

But that doesn't mean I'm leaving them down completely, I can't I just can't let them down, I fear if I would I would end up getting hurt in the end, 

And that I just can't suffer a blow like that, I am broken I know that, but one more let down, one more casualty and I will shatter completely, 

I hear the door open and close and see Clint, 

"How are you always awake before me?" He said 

I just smirked 

"Was that a smirk?" He asked 

"Don't let it go to your head," I said 

He chuckled, 

"Alright, lets grab some breakfast before we head back," He said wrapping a arm around my shoulders, 

I nodded and walked in, 

Breakfast was full of laughter and smiles, the kids always asking me all kinds of different and odd questions, 

But I didn't mind, smaller kids were always my soft spot, I guess because of how innocent they are, 

For the first time... in a long time... I felt.. like I belonged here, belonged, it was an odd feeling, and yet I wouldn't trade this feeling for anything in the world, 

After breakfast I was outside with Cooper and Lila,

Cooper was showing me basketball, I mean I knew how to play, but hey, I wanted him to show me, 

"You think you can play?" He asked 

"One way to find out," I said 

I dribble the ball, and pivot away from him and run towards the basket still dribbling and shoot making a basket, 

"Yay, Hayden!" Lila clapped 

I passed the ball to Cooper, 

"That was awesome!" He said excited 

I just smiled at him, 

"Come on guys daddy and Hayden are leaving soon," Laura said 

Both Cooper and Lila ran inside, I walked in behind them, I see them hugging Clint, 

"I'll be back as soon as I can guys," He said kissing each of them on the cheek, 

He stood up and Kissed Laura, 

"Be safe out there," Laura 

"I will," He said 

She walked over to me hugging me, I stiffened at first, 

"Don't be a stranger alright and remember what I said," She said 

"Umm, uh, yeah," I said not sure how to get the words out, 

"You ready?" Clint said 

I nodded 

With that we both walked out of the home, loading the car with our belonging and set to go back to New York, 

Family isn't always about blood, I thought as we drove off, 

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