Ch. 72 "Surprise"

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                                                            Hayden POV 

Me and Pietro are on the couch in my room, watching another movie since it's all I can do right now, we are sharing a tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream, 

"I really really don't get the point of this movie," I said 

"What's not to get he a burnt guy who kills you in your dreams and if you die in your dream you die in real life," Pietro said 

"But that is highly impossible," I said pointing my spoon at him, 

"That is the point," He said chuckling 

"So, the point is to make a creepy guy haunt your dreams and kill you?" I said 

"Well when you put it that way princess," He said chuckling

"Where do you even find these?" I asked 

"Please Mr Stark has every movie you can think of," He said 

"Right on that note, if I don't get healed up soon I'm gonna get fat all we've been doing is eating junk and watching non sense movies that really have no plot," I said 

"Oh come on princess don't tell me you don't enjoy spending time with me, besides you could use a little break," He said slinging his arm over my shoulders

"Yeah, but I'm sure your tired of keeping me company," I said chuckling 

"Never," He said 

"Hey! hands off," Clint said walking in the room

Pietro quickly put his hands up in defense, 

"Come on Hayden I've got something to show you," Clint said 

Pietro followed close behind us, 

Once we got in the living room it was dark, 

"Clint whats going-" I started 

"Surprise!" everyone yelled 

I looked around confused, 

"Umm, is there a gas leak in here?" I asked 

Clint chuckled 

"No, we just wanted to make up for missing your birthday," Tony said handing me a drink 

"That's fine, it's just another day isn't it?" I asked 

That caused Steve to almost choke on his drink, 

"No, it's not just another day," Nat said 

I looked at Clint, he nodded agreeing with Nat, 

"Now come on I've been itching to throw a party," Tony said slinging his arm around my shoulders, 

"Alright if it gets you to stop talking," I mumbled 

This caused everyone to start laughing, 

I was sitting at the bar chatting with Wanda and Nat, thats when One of my waves hit, 

So ever since my attack from my so called father, I've been experiencing intense headache, so bad that it makes my vision blurry and makes me dizzy sometimes, 

I close my eyes taking a deep breath until it passes, 

"You alright?" Nat asked 

I looked at her nodding, 

"Just a little headache," I smiled at her, 

She nodded 

I was taking a sip of my drink, 

"So anything going on between you and Pietro?" Wanda asked 

I choked on my drink, 

"What?" I looked at her, 

"You two have been spending a lot of time together," Nat said 

"So," I said eating some cake 

"So what's going on," Wanda said 

"He's been keeping me company, he's a good friend, great partner and..." I said they look behind me

"And he's standing right behind me isn't he," I said 

"Don't stop there keep digging princess," He said taking a chip off my plate, 

                                        Clint POV 

Me and Sam were standing on the other side of the room, I watched as Hayden was talking to Wanda and Nat, but then Pietro was talking with her, 

Stealing from off her plate, 

"Relax Clint glare any harder you might put a hole in his forehead," Sam said chuckling 

"Oh I most certainly will not relax," I said crossing my arms, 

"Oh what's got you steaming like a vegetable?" Tony asked 

Sam nodded towards Hayden, 

"Ah young love," Tony said 

"Not helping," I said 

Then I see something concerning she was rubbing her temple and wincing, she got up and walked towards the bathrooms, 

I got up and followed her, I really do want to know what's going on between the two, I thought 

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