Ch. 26 "Safe"

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                                              Hayden POV 

I am currently in the training room sitting on the bench as Clint and Nat glared at me, Normally I would care and get mad, but I'm too cough, cough, Mellow to care,

"What the Hell Hayden, how long have you been doing this?" Clint said as he looked at me, I think my eyes are red that is probably why, 

I just shrugged, 

"There is no use talking to you like this, We will deal with you in the morning," Nat said guiding me to my room where I instantly fell asleep, 

                                                   Clint POV 

I paced back and forth,

"I don't understand she was doing well, her anger was finally getting better," I said as I paced 

"Something must have happened? Nightmare maybe?" Nat said 

"Perhaps it's my fault," Fury said walking in the room 

"How would it be your fault?" I asked 

"FRIDAY bring up interrogation room B footage 3AM," Fury said 

We watched as Hayden talked to her father, 

"She got him to confess?" Nat said surprised 

Fury nodded 

"I was surprised myself," Fury said 

Then suddenly Hayden grabbed the back of her father's head and slammed it into the table multiple times, before Fury grabs her and walks her out of the room, 

I stood up glaring at him, 

"Why did you let her anywhere near that psycho!" I said angry 

"Because she came to me," He said 

I was taken back a little by the info, 

"At 3AM?" Nat said 

Fury nodded, 

"I wasn't going to but she demanded it," Fury said 

"Why?" I asked 

"She said something about closure," Fury said then left, 

"What are we going to do?" I said 

"First thing is first, we need to know why she was up at 3AM?" Nat said 

I nodded 

"Then we have to stop her with the weed," I said standing up 

I walked out of the room, I walked into Hayden's room, to see her fast asleep, on her side her breathing even, her hair draped over her face, 

I tucked some of her hair away from her face, the circles under her eyes show she's not sleeping well, I understand her wall, but what I don't understand is why she won't let us help her, or at least me, 

I brushed some more of her hair from her face, 

"I do anything to keep you safe," I whispered 

"I just wish you would trust me," I whispered again 

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