Ch. 65 "Hidden"

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                                                            Hayden POV 

I woke up today and I could barely lift my arm let alone move it, I didn't tell anyone either, they are just going to get all bent out of shape about it, 

I was walking around outside, I have my hair braided to the side from yesterday, letting the cool air hit my skin, 

I was sitting at the fence, watching the sun rise, 

I touched my shoulder, it felt tense it hurt, and throbbed, 

I sighed as I watched the horizon, 

I hear the crunching of grass, but I don't look I just keep watching, then I felt someone stand next to me, 

I looked over to see Bucky, 

"You seem stop sleep just as much as I do," He said chuckling 

"I guess," I said 

"Laura sent me to fetch you something about breakfast," He said 

"Pass," I mumbled 

"Come on I know your hungry, from all the puking you've done," Bucky said 

You see the problem is, I can barely lift my arm, if i even try to eat something they are going to know, 

"Too bad let's go," Bucky said pushing me lightly 

"Alright don't need to be so pushy," I mumbled 

He chuckled 

We got to the porch and I used my other hand to open the door, 

"Aren't you left handed?" Bucky asked 

"Uh yeah, why?" I asked 

"Well because you opened it with your right hand," Bucky said 

"So?" I said 

"So why did you open the door with your right hand," Bucky said 

"What I can't switch hands now, is that a crime?" I asked as we walked in the house, 

"No, it's just odd for you," Bucky said 

"Well lately odd seems pretty right," I mumbled sitting at the table, 

Everyone including the kids were sitting at the table eating and drinking breakfast, 

It was waffles, I loved Laura's waffles, but the pain was making me lose my appetite, not to mention I don't want to draw any attention to myself, 

I was pushing the food on the plate, 

I looked up to see Bucky staring at me, 

"Take a picture might last longer," I said 

He glared at me, I glared right back, 

"Play nice you two," Nat said 

"Hayden could you pass the syrup," Bucky said 

"You've got two arms that aren't broken," I said 

I see Nat look away trying not to laugh, 

"Hayden.." Clint said crossing his arms, 

I sighed I picked up the syrup with my right hand, handing it to Bucky, apparently Clint caught that now because he was looking at me funny, what is up with everyone knowing which is my dominate hand, I thought 

"Is something wrong Chipmunk?" Clint said 

"Nope, just not really hungry," I said 

"At least drink your juice," Steve said 

Oh great now he's in on it, well guess what I'm not humoring them, I thought 

"No thank you I'm not really hungry," I said standing up, 

I walked out of the house, I was sitting on the porch swing, I was lightly touching my shoulder, 

I decided to walk around try to distract myself from the pain, 

I picked up a rock only to drop it in pain, 

"So of a-" I mumbled 

"Knew something was wrong," I heard 

I turned around to see Bucky, 

He walked up to me, 

"What's wrong?" He asked 

"Umm," I mumbled 

"Now Hayden," He said sternly 

I sighed, 

"Well I kind of can barely lift my arm with out pain running through it," I mumbled 

"What?" He said surprised 

"This is as far as I can lift it," I said barely lifting it up

"God Hayden we need Bruce to look at this," He said 

"What's he going to do were on a farm," I said angry, 

"Don't you take that tone of voice with me," He said 

"Whatever," I said walking away

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