Ch. 59 "Infection"

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                                                     Hayden POV 

Once I opened my eyes I started to panic a little I could hardly see everything was so blurry and the voices that were talking sounded so far away, 

Everything hurt, sweat littered my entire body, I was cold and hot at the same time, I couldn't get comfortable, 

My head tossed left to right, trying to get rid of the excruciating headache, 

"What's happening to her?" I heard a muffled voice 

I felt someone remove a piece of fabric or something from my rib wound, 

"It's infected," I hear, 

My breathing was shallow, I felt like something was sitting on my chest, 

Next thing I know I'm back in my old house, my fingers were bloody from scratching the lid, I was tired from panicking and fighting, 

The lid slowly opened, the light shined through hitting me in the face, 

Eric smirked down at me

"Are you ready to behave?" He said 

"I'll be good just let me out..." I mumbled 

"Of course sweetheart," Eric said 

Then I was back to having blurry vision, and my head tossing and turning,

                                              Clint POV 

Hayden's head tossed and turned, her chest heaving at a fast pace, I kept wiping the sweat from her head but as soon as I did more formed on her forehead,

"What's happening to her?" Laura said 

Bruce pulled back the Gauze from the wound on her side, It didn't look good the blood almost looked black, 

"It's infected," Bruce said 

"This is the cause of her sky rocketing fever, I'll call Tony get him to bring supplies, I would suggest to take her back  to the tower, but we can't move her in this condition, might cause her to go into shock," Bruce said 

"What can we do in the mean time?" Bucky asked 

"Try to keep her fever down and keep her comfortable," Bruce said walking out the room pulling out his phone in a rush, 

Hayden's head kept tossing and turning, as she mumbled you could barely understand what she was saying, 

"I'll be good... just let me out..." Hayden mumbled sadly 

I looked down at her, I looked back at everyone they also had the same look on their faces, 

"Shh, Chipmunk," I said dabbing her forehead with the cloth, 

"I'll go make her something to drink for when she wakes up," Laura said 

"I'll help you," Nat said 

"Fight it.. don't let this take you down.." I mumble

I just couldn't stand, watching her like this, powerless to do anything, not being able to fix it, what is she seeing, what is she dreaming about, all I know is it isn't good, if she's talking like that it's not good at all, 

"Clint, why don't you get some rest you haven't left her side since we got here," Steve said 

"Me and Bucky will look after her," He said placing a hand on my shoulder, 

"No, I'm alright, why don't you too get some rest and shower," I said 

They looked at each other, 

"I'm not leaving her," I said as I dabbed her forehead, 

"I'm never going to leave her, I thought, I'm going to always be there for her, I thought as I looked down at her, 

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