Ch. 91 "Beautiful"

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                                                        Hayden POV 

I was in my bathroom brushing my hair after a shower, when I heard a noise, 

I opened the door, 

"Hello?" I asked 

It was past midnight so no one should be awake, it was dark in the room so I could only see what the light in the bathroom provided, 

I went to go back in the bathroom but I heard the noise again, 

"I swear Peter if that's you and if you scare me I'm going to kill you," I said looking around 

I looked around then suddenly a swoosh of air ran past me pinning me to the wall with a hand over my mouth, 

I see Pietro, he was smiling at me amused, 

I smacked him on his chest, 

"You scared the hell out of me," I said 

"Sorry princess," He said kissing me on the cheek, 

"I've got the perfect place for us to go tonight," He said 

I chuckled, 

"Still didn't learn your lesson with Clint huh?" I asked crossing my arms, 

"Please, nothing is keeping me away from you princess," He said 

"You'll see when his full on rage assassin skills come out on you," I said chuckling, 

He just winked at me, 

"Here take this," He said handing me a bag, 

I looked at him confused, 

"Don't worry your going to love it, it's for where were going," He said 

He grabbed my wrist and for the second time this week we snuck out past my curfew, 

Oh man Clint and Bucky and defiantly Nat are going to have a canary if they find out, I thought 

Once we were out of the building, we laced our fingers together and we walked down the street, 

"So where are we going?" I asked 

"It's a surprise but your going to love it," He said smiling at me, 

after a long walk we come to a cliff side where we can see all the city lights, and down below was water, and the sky was so clear, 

"So if your planning on killing me, pushing me off the roof of avengers tower would have been better," I said sarcastically 

"Oh hush princess, hand me the bag," He said 

I handed it to him, 

He dug in the bag and brought out a blanket laying it on the ground, and some containers of food and drinks, 

"I see a midnight breakfast," I said 

"That is correct," He said 

I sat next to him, 

where we ate and joked around, 

After eating I laid my head in his lap with my hands linked behind my head, 

"The stars are very clear out here," I said looking up at the sky, 

"Yes they are quite beautiful," He said but the odd thing is he wasn't looking at the stars when he said it, 

No he was looking right into my eyes, the look in his eyes, they are always the same when he looks at me, like I am the only person in the world and he admires that, 

But why? I thought 

I need to know why he looks at me like that? why I feel this way? I thought as he looked into my eyes like he was looking into my very soul, 

He played with my hair as he continued looking down at me, 

I need to know why... I thought 

And suddenly I felt so tired, him stroking my hair and playing with it made me feel some what relaxed 

The last thing I heard was, 

"Goodnight princess," And felt a kiss on my forehead, and everything went dark,

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