Ch. 5 "Captured"

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                                                          Hayden POV 

"So what's it going to be kid?" Widow said 

I smirked 

"The hard way," I said sprinting towards Captain America 

He prepared himself like I was going to attack, but as soon as I got close I slid under his legs and took off running, good thing my stamina is great because I hear them right behind me, 

I cut across a busy street and slide across the hood of a car, I try disappearing in the crowd of people but I still hear rushing footsteps behind me, 

I cut down an alley, good thing I know the streets from late nights and just not ever wanting to go home, as I rundown the alley and see a fence, I smirk, 

Not slowing down I sprint towards it and do a summersault over the fence to see the look on Black Widow's face was priceless, 

I run down the next alley climbing the fire escape, 

I start jumping building to building, until I run out of roof, I see a bunch of garbage bags at the bottom, 

I can make that I thought, 

"Kid don't!" Hawkeye said as he was closing in on me, 

I jumped off the roof, landing on the pile of garbage bag but I must have landed wrong because I feel pain in my left wrist, 

"Bitch," I mumbled holding my wrist, 

But I still got up and ran only to bump into Winter solider and Captain, 

I ran across the street again, dodging traffic, man I really need to invest in one of those bows that are small and can transform into a bigger one, I thought 

As I was so busy thinking about a new bow I was tackled to the ground knocking the wind right out of me, 

I look up to see Widow, 

"Get off of me!" I said as I struggled I went to right hook her but she caught it, 

Next thin I know I feel a pinch in my arm, I look at Widow angry, next thing I know everything goes black, 

                                       Third Person POV 

"Did you really have to tranq her?" Clint asked 

"Yeah, she's wasn't calming down and I wasn't going to drag a teen girl to the tower with her causing a scene," Nat said 

"Well we might as well get back to the tower before people see," Bucky said 

Everyone nodded 

Clint picked up the girl who felt light which concerned him, 

                                             Hayden POV 

The first thing I'm aware of is the excruciating headache, the second thing is that my wrists are cuffed to the top of a table, 

I sent a hard glare towards the one way glass, yes I've been in an interrogation room before, 

I yank my arms trying to get out of the cuffs, 

Then the door slams, then the director of Shield walks in, I know its him because I may have hacked into their system a time or two, 

He sits down from across me, I glared at him, 

"Name?" He said looking down at the file, 

I didn't answer 

He looked up, 

"Look we can do this the easy way or hard way," He said 

I continued to glare at him, anger the one thing I'm a master of is what is going to get me through this BS since I know they can't legally keep me here, 

"Fine Your name is Hayden Chase, thirteen years old, you attend middle town school, you weigh 85 pounds," He said 

I just continued to glare at him, 

"Your mother and father are Josie and Eric Chase," He said 

"Your father is currently unemployed due to cut backs at the armory," Fury said 

"Your mother works as a... black jack dealer," He said sounding a bit shocked 

I just glared harder at him, 

"We can stay here as long as you like Hayden so until you decide to talk you might as well get comfortable," He said slamming the file shut and walked out 

                                       Clint POV 

All of us watched from behind the glass, Hayden didn't even show any kind of emotion except one, anger, 

"Kid has strong will not to give into Fury that's for sure," Nat said 

"Which is weird to cut yourself off like that takes training," Bucky said 

Fury walked in, 

"It doesn't seem like she likes you Fury," Tony said smirking 

"Can it Stark, we need a different approach, someone more gentle," Fury said 

one by one we all looked at Steve, 

"Why are you all looking at me?" He asked 

"Because your as gentle as they come solider," Tony said 

"Fine, I'll give it a try," He said sighing 

He walked out and into the room with Hayden who just gave him the same glare as she did Fury 

Steve sat across from her, 

"Hello Hayden, i'm Steve" Steve said 

She just continued to glare at him, 

"Hayden we're not going to harm you we just want you to answer a few questions," Steve said 

Still nothing, 

"How about a simple one, what's your favorite food?" Steve said 


"Mine is Pizza even though they didn't have it back in the war," Steve said 

She looked away from him looking at the opposite wall, 

Steve sighed and left the room, 

"Kid is a tough egg to crack that's for sure," Steve said 

"Let me try," I said 

I walked out, and into the room sitting across from her, 

She looked at me, what I saw behind her eyes wasn't just anger but pain, 

"I'm Clint, and I'm only going to ask you one thing, what hurts?" I asked 

She looked shocked she looked down at her left wrist and I see that it's swelling, I looked at the mirror 

"Tony get Bruce," I said un-cuffing her left wrist 

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