Ch. 96 "Relax"

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                                                     Hayden POV 

Let me start off by saying I'm sure Clint is a little shocked because of the scars, sure he knows of my past, but I never let anyone see the full extent of that past, 

The extent where there was damage left behind, resulting in scars, some are from my parents, others were from being Bullseye, 

It varies, so I guess Clint is a little stunned at seeing the full damage, 

"Hayden answer me," He said sternly 

I glared up at him, 

"I don't want to talk about it," I said looking at the floor away from his gaze, 

I was already ashamed that he saw, 

"Hayden-" He began, 

"Look you know as well as I do what went on in that house, that's you need to know," I mumbled 

"Hayden why are you putting your wall back up, talk to me," Clint said 

I looked at him, 

"I don't know what you mean," I said 

"You know full well what I mean," He said 

Yeah sure I've been acting out, and sure being around Pietro has not been helping the situation, but there is something else to it, 

I have this nagging feeling like something bad is going to happen, things have been too quiet, like being this content and happy is wrong, and it has me on edge, but I'm not telling him that, I thought 

I look at Clint, 

Oh crap he's staring, 

Say something, 

Come on say anything, 

I just smile and wave at him, 

That was doing something you idiot and now he is looking at me like I've got three heads, 

"Umm, uh, I'm fine," I said 

Yeah that was not convincing at all, Come on Hayden you were able to keep secrets for years and now all of a sudden you freeze up like a freaking idiot, 

"Can you please tell me," He said gently 

I looked at him, and he was giving me that look, damn him and that sad face, 

I sighed, 

"Look, lets just say I have been very uneasy lately," I said 

He arched his brow, 

"It's just something that happens some times," I mumbled 

"Any reason why?" He asked 

"Just... I don't know," I mumbled 

"Hayden one thing about being an assassin is I know when people are lying to me, especially when it comes to you," He said with his fingers under my chin making me look at him, 

"So please tell me what is bothering you that you are acting this way," He said gently 

I gave up, and gave in yet again to Clint because of his skill at reeling me back when I know I'm drowning, I don't know how he does it but some how he does, 

"I just... I have this feeling," I said closing my eyes in defeat, 

"Like it's too quiet, it's too calm like something bad is going to happen," I said 

"Hayden it's just something your not used to, I mean look at everything that has happened since well you know," Clint said 

"I know, I know, I'm being paranoid but it's just keeping me on edge constantly, can't sleep, can't eat it's something I do not like feeling," I said 

"Tell me what I have to do to make it go away," I said looking at him hopeful, 

He smiled down at me, since I'm fairly smaller than him, 

He tucked some of my wet hair behind my ear, 

"How about we go see Laura and the kids tomorrow, give us some time to relax," Clint said 

"I think you need to relax and you haven't had that at all lately," He said 

"Do you think it will help?" I asked 

"I think it will come on, I'm sure your hungry," He said 

I nodded following him, 

"Does that mean I'm off the hook?" I asked 

"Oh no, you are still very grounded young lady, but I don't think confinement will be the best course of action at this time," He said 

"Well what do you have in mind?" I asked 

All he did was simply smile at me, 

Oh I do not like that at all, that's the I know exactly what I'm going to do, and your going to find out later look, I thought 

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