Ch. 14 "Boiling point"

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                                                       Hayden POV 

After kicking the asses of the men who tried to take advantage of me, I had blood on my close and knuckles, just because I don't have my bow doesn't mean I don't know how to form my body into a weapon, 

It took years of training with the right person to know how, It was storming outside as I sat on the edge of the bridge looking down at the water, under the bridge watching the pouring rain ripple in the water, 

If only I had the money to get something to take the edge off, they were going to sell me to freaking HYDRA just because they put themselves in financial trouble, 

It's nice to know that I meant nothing to them, I knew that from the beginning, unwanted, unloved, I knew that, I accepted that, that's why it's better to get people to hate you than to care, because I'm so used to being hated it only seems natural for people to hate you, 

I got off the bridge and started walking down the street, my hood up but it didn't stop the rain from making my hair drenched just like everything on my body right now, 

The question is what am I going to do? no way am I going to the avengers, that is not an option I'm no pity case, 

I'm sure they already know, they know things before anyone else, I could always end it all that could be an option, 

I paused then shook my head, 

don't be a coward Hayden, I thought 

Could alway go back to the illegal fighting ring, I was always making mega bank there, i thought 

Just as I was thinking this I got a weird feeling, like I was being watched so I picked up my pace casually not letting on that I know I'm being followed, I cross my arms as I shiver from the cold of the rain, 

I turned down an alley, when I heard two pair of footsteps, they were getting closer, I took that as a sign to run and I did, 

The footsteps were gaining on me, but I wasn't getting caught I was making my way to the abandoned building I've been staying at, 

I duck down an alley were a high fence is, 

I bounce both my feet off the brick wall and do a back flip over it, 

and continue to run, knowing I lost whoever was running after me over the fence, 

                                                        Steve POV 

Me and Bucky were grouped together in the search to find Hayden, while Nat and Clint were else where, 

"We've looked everywhere where the hell is she?" Bucky said getting annoyed 

"My guess laying low," I said 

Then I spot a petite figure walking down the street ahead of us, 

"Bucky," I said nodding towards the figure they had a dark red hoodie on the hood up, 

Bucky nodded so we casually followed the figure, until she started running, we chased after her, she was ducking down alleys doing everything she could to get us off her tail, until she ducked down another alley that had a tall fence I smirked I knew we had her, 

Until she did something I didn't expect, she bounced both feet off the brick wall of the building and did a back flip over the fence, 

I was stunned, I touched my com link, 

"Nat Clint we got her she's heading down 10th street, towards the abandoned district," I said 

"On it," Clint said 

                                                   Hayden POV 

I lost whoever was chasing me, I went to the abandoned apartment building room 8, I'm in the bathroom I held on to the sink, 

"Breath, just breath," I mumbled 

Then I hear a noise from the main room, HYDRA? my Parents? I close my eyes taking a deep breath, 

Might as well face my fears now, 

I opened the door to reveal Clint and Nat, 

I strode out of the bathroom, my chin held high, don't show fear or any emotion but anger, 

"What are you two doing here?" I said crossing my arms, 

"Really? you've been missing for days and that's all you've got to say?" Nat said 

"I have nothing to say, what do you want me to say?" I said 

"Maybe along the line, I'm sorry I worried you guys and the avengers," Clint said 

With my arms crossed, 

"Please no one worries about me we all know it," I said 

"Yes we do, I do," Clint said 

That's when something inside of me snapped 

"Why!? hmm why worry about some kid! Huh?" I said glaring up at him, 

"Because were the only one's who seem to give a damn," Nat said 

"Who care's why care! I don't I wouldn't!" I said starting to push Clint, 

"Hayden stop it," Nat said 

"Dose it make you feel good! to help some kid who doesn't want help!" I said continuing to push him, 

"Hayden stop!" Nat said 

"Or is it because so girl who desperately wants help but can't say a damn thing to help herself! a girl who can take on killers muggers and monster can't even save herself!!" I said as I started punching his chest, 

"Or is it because her parents hate who and what she is so much that they decide to sell her to the enemy like a piece of garbage!!" I said 

I felt Clint grab my wrist and I fell to my knees as he went with me pulling me into his chest as I started crying after letting everything out, 

I grabbed onto his chest as I cried, his hand on the back of my head, petting it gently 

"It's alright kid I've got you, I've got you," He whispered 

                                            Clint POV 

All the anger Hayden had built up in her, finally exploded I think this was her breaking point, as I tried to calm her down by petting her hair I looked at Nat, who looked just as concerned as I felt, 

"It's alright kid I've got you, I've got you," I said 

I didn't know what happened in that house, but what I did know is I'm going to keep her safe from here on out, and I've got a few questions for those so called parents of hers,

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