Ch. 13 "Explained"

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Her outfit

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Her outfit

Hayden POV

I have to admit I was terrified but I wasn't showing them that, the men stood behind my parents, they were big and bulky so I know I can easily out run them if I had to,

"What's going on?" I asked looking at my father,

"I'm glad you asked sweetheart, as you know we've found ourself in severe financial difficulties," My father said

"And they agreed to pay us a great lump sum, that would last us the rest of our lives if.. how do I put this.." My father said

"If they can have you," My mother said

"What? you sold me?" I said normally I don't show any kind of emotion around my parents but this made my blood boil,

"Indeed," The man with a thick Russian accent said

"Now pack your things your going with them," My father said

"Like hell I am," I said

I ran to my window grabbing my back pack that had the necessities in it, and jumped I didn't have time to grab the branch as I got close to the pavement I tucked and rolled, I hear the front door swing open,

With that I took off running, more like sprinting,

"You can't run from this Hayden!" I heard my dad yell

But I crossed through a busy highway, just to lose them, just as a car slammed on the breaks, I rolled over their hood, and continued,

I need to disappear, and do it now, I thought as I ran down an alley, I hear the footsteps get further and further away,

I jump over a high fence, I mostly use alley's and rooftops trying to lay low,

Clint POV

It has been sometime since Hayden entered the house, that was until Hayden jumped out of the two story home tucking and rolling onto the cement,

including her parents and the bulky HYDRA men rushed out of the home running after her,

I sprang to my feet following them on the roof tops, Hayden cuts across a busy Highway, rolling over a speeding car's hood and continued like nothing happened,

I used my bow to pin some of the agents and I see Nat and Steve take down the parents, I follow Hayden, but soon enough I lost her,

"Shit.." I mumbled

I touched my ear,

"Nat, I lost her," I said

"Come again?" She said not sounding happy,

"I lost Hayden," I said

"Sigh, alright search the house I'm gonna take the parents to Fury, see if we can get answers," Nat said

"Alright," I said

I started in the parents bedroom, guns, drugs, alcohol bottles litter the place, I gathered all the evidence in that room,

Next I found Hayden's room, it was small, not much, just a bed with one thin sheet, in the bathroom the mirror was shattered as if someone punched it, not liking the reflection, all the cabinets were empty small shampoo and body was,

Then I went back to the bedroom to the small closet, she barley had any clothes,

Then I spotted something under a few pieces of clothing, a wooden box, I opened it, it had her outfit, bow and quiver with arrows in it,

I grabbed the stuff taking it with me for when we do find her,

Next was the living room same situation as the parents bedroom, except I find bills a lot of them none of them paid, loans to loan sharks, drug dealers,

Next the kitchen a pad lock on the refrigerator and some of the cabinets,

all of this is making me angry, no wonder she is so petite they wouldn't even let her eat! I thought it made my blood boil,

But this was nothing compared to what evidence I found in the basement, the first thing that caught my eye, was the thick metal chains that were hooked to the cement wall with cuffs at the ends of them, blood covered the cuffs,

I took a sample of the blood putting it in the bag,

then a big chest freezer that wasn't even plugged in, but it had a latch and a pad lock that wasn't locked,

I opened it, and I see scratch marks on the inside of the lid with blood on it also, I took a sample, please don't let this be what I think it is, I thought

I got back to the tower,

"Bruce I need you to compare this DNA," I said

"Too who?" He asked

"Hayden," I said with anger,

I handed Tony and Fury the evidence as was about to storm off,

"Where are you going?" Steve asked me,

"To find her, It all makes sense," I said balling up my fists,

"What does?" Tony asked

"The evidence, they've been torturing her," I said and left,

Not before Nat, Steve and Bucky stopped me,

"Don't try to stop me," I said with my back to them,

"We're not were going to help you find her," Bucky said

I nodded with that we left,

Hayden POV

I've been held up in a abandoned Apartment building for a few days actually, I went back to my house to get my gear but it was gone,

hopefully my parents didn't find it, I've been laying low, I have a hoodie on with a baseball cap on my head,

I've had a panic bag just incase I needed to leave in a rush, thankfully, it had some food and clothes in it, but the last of my food is gone, which means I have to go find some, I thought

Just steal, how hard can it be? I mean I'm skilled in many things might as well ad thievery to the list, I thought

I leave the apartment building, hopefully no one caught wind of this, I don't need any pity from anyone, I thought leaving the building,

I don't need it, I don't need anyone, I thought I kept telling myself that over the years, it's how I survived the beatings, the torture,

Anger, that is my only outlet

As I walked down the alley, someone blocked me from leaving with their leg,

"Sorry girly you need to pay the toll," The guy said

I smirked perfect, some scum to let my anger out on, I thought

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