Ch. 74 "Round two"

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                                             Hayden POV 

My shoulder is finally healed up, and after much convincing Clint finally let me go back to school as long as I stay out of trouble, 

So here me and Peter are walking into the high school, book bag singed over my shoulder, 

"You sure your up for this?" Peter said 

I rolled my eyes, 

"You know if I had a nickel for everyone who asked me that today," I said 

"I probably would be richer than Tony," I said 

Peter chuckled 

"Good one," he said 

I smirked 

"I try, by the way nice job catching that guy last night," I said 

"Thanks," He said smiling at me, 

We walked inside Peter was leaning against the lockers as I was getting my books, 

"By the way, you seem... better," He said 

I shut the locker, 

"Better?" I asked 

"Less angry, less guarded," He said as we started walking, 

"Yeah, well Bucky has been helping me with the anger, and Clint and the others keep and I quote" I said 

"Chipping away that wall" I said in Clint's voice 

Peter started laughing 

"Aww look at the love birds," Flash said 

"Well if it isn't the impaired idiot," I said in a dull tone, 

"Did you just call me dumb!?" He asked 

"Look at that Peter his actually understands big words," I said smirking 

I could tell Peter was getting worried 

"Shut up," He said 

"Why you might not understand, so let me dumb it down for you duuuhhhh!" I said making a dumb face

Everyone in the hall way started laughing, I smirked 

"You've got a big mouth short stuff," He said 

"I may be short but if my memory serves correct I was kicking you ass the last time we met," I said crossing my arms, 

"Maybe we should just go Hayden," Peter whispered 

"Yeah, listen to your little boy toy," He said 

I glared at him, then something came in mind, 

"So tell me flash how did it feel getting degraded by a girl in front of all your friends, oh wait wait I know, they tease you everyday about how your such a wuss," I said smirking 

"That's it!" He said throwing his books, 

"Finally," I said striking throwing my bag, 

"Your gonna pay for this!" He said 

"Give me your best shot," I said smirking 

"Hayden no," Peter said 

But before I could walk away, Flash tackled me to the ground, 

"Hayden!" Peter yelled 

I right hooked him, and rolled us over, I pressed my palm against his cheek, making his other cheek kiss the floor, 

"Your such a punk, big words, but no brawn to back em up," I said 

"Get the hell off of me!" He yelled 

"How about you kiss the floor first for hurting it's feeling with your ugly mug," I said 

I got up and me and peter were just about to walk away that's when I was pushed so hard that my forehead hit the lockers hard and I felt liquid fall down my forehead, 

I touched it, and seen blood in my fingers and something flashed in my mind I was back in my old house my parents laughing at me as they beat me senselessly as I bled out, 

Then I was back in the school, I looked at him with dark eyes, I see fear in his eyes, I felt rage, 

Flash backed up, 

"Oh no.." Peter mumbled 

I full out sprinted at him tackling him to the ground, he landed with a loud thud, 

"Hayden stop!" Peter said 

"I am so sick of you if you don't leave me and Peter the hell alone I will make you regret it," I said darkly 

I was so angry I was shaking, my chest heaving rapidly I had him by the back of the neck making him kiss the floor, 

"You are-" I began, 

"Hayden I need you to calm down," I heard 

I scrunched my face, knowing Peter tattled on me, 

"Deep breath remember," Bucky whispered next to my ear as he was kneeling next to me, 

I did as I was told, 

"Good now let him go," He said 

I turned my head glaring at him, 

"I know but just do it," He said 

I finally let him up and stood up grabbing my bag walking out as Bucky followed behind me, Nat and Clint were waiting at the car, 

I sat in the back of the car letting out a frustrated breath, knowing I was in for it when we got back to the tower,

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