Ch. 63 "Barton Kids"

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                                                     Hayden POV 

I was laying in bed, looking at the ceiling, no one is here, it is early morning, 

"Screw this, I'm done with this," I mumbled 

I pulled out the IV, I pulled the covers off of me, And stood up but I regretted getting up so fast after being bed bound for so long because I got so dizzy that I ended up knocking over the end table and everything on it, 

I caught myself on the wall, my breathing a little shallow, and I shook it off, I held my side, as I stumbled out of the room, 

It was quiet good that means everyone was asleep, 

I held onto the railing as I slowly took each step as I descended down the stairs,

each step hurting my entire body, but I didn't care, I'm sick of laying in bed not doing anything, I finally get down the stairs, and look around and don't see anyone, 

Good, I thought 

I walked out the door and sat on the porch swing, I didn't want to over do it, 

I watched as the sun rose, the birds chirping,

Then The porch swing swung open and Cooper and Lila ran out about to go play but they stopped as soon as they seen me, 

"Hayden!" They both screeched, 

"Shh," I said putting my finger to my lips as I smiled 

"Your not supposed to be out here huh?" Cooper said 

"Maybe," I said smiling as they both sat on each side of me, 

"Oh daddy is going to be mad," Lila said 

"Well you two try laying in a bed for weeks and tell me how you feel," I said chuckling 

I had my arms laying on the back of the swing as we lightly swung on the porch swing, 

"So what happened?" Cooper asked 

I looked at him, I knew he was too young and innocent, 

"I got in a fight with a werewolf," I said smiling at him, 

"See I told you they are real!" Lila yelled 

"No you didn't," Cooper said 

"No really true, I was walking at night through the woods on a full moon then.." I said 

"Bam! a werewolf jumped out of the trees," I said making them both jump, 

"Hayden!" Lila screamed 

I chuckled 

"Sorry," I said 

Lila hugs me I wince but I don't pull away, 

Not long after the door sung open and there stood a worried Clint then it turned into mad, 

"Hayden what are you doing out here?" He said not sounding happy 

"Well I got tired of laying in bed just thought I would stretch my legs, Besides Cooper and Lila were keeping me company," I said trying the innocent look which might I add I'm not very good at, 

"Come on let's go," He said 

I stood up stumbling at first, 

Clint too my arm wrapping it around his neck as he hooked his arm under my knees and the other under my neck, 

"Hey! I can walk," I said 

"Not when you stumble like that," He said 

We walked in the house to see everyone one up and about, 

"Found the escaped bird," Clint said 

"If I was escaping I would have made it way past the porch swing," I said 

"You are trouble," Clint said 

"No, trouble just always seems to find me," I said 

I hear Bucky Chuckle 

"Your going back to bed," Clint said 

"I'll help," Bruce said 

"Oh joy," I mumbled 

"Hayden you need to let the infection pass, then you can come and go as you please," Bruce said behind Clint, 

"Yeah, I get it, stay in bed," I said 

"Good," Clint said 

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