Ch. 3 "Bullseye"

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                                                                     Hayden POV 

It was now night, and I followed my lead to upstate New York, you see I've given this a lot of thought, 

Stopping crime is kid stuff, sure I'm thirteen, sure I'm saving some people, but to tell you the truth the adrenaline rush is wearing off, I thought as I made my way to the HYDRA facility, 

this is the first time I'm attempting to stop a big group like this, and to tell you the truth I'm excited, 

I'm on the roof looking inside seeing that the Avengers, fighting 

They are surrounded, 

"There is no where to go you bringing powers to a gun fight," The leader said 

Some of the Avengers are down, or barley holding on, I opened the window to the top of the roof, 

I shot an arrow far away into the ground then clicked the button and all the guns flew out of their hands, 

Everyone looks up, 

"What guns," I said 

I Shot an arrow into the wall below and zip lined down, and tackled one of the men, I shot the leader with an arrow right above the heart, 

I hit another guy in the face with my bow and fist, making him stumble I bounced my feet off the wall and kicked the guy in the face making him fall to the ground, 

I landed with one knee of the ground and the opposite hand on the ground, I smirked back at the men that remained, 

"I don't care who the hell she is, kill her!" One man said 

I smirked back at them, 

"They call me Bullseye," I said 

I seen some of the avengers shocked faces I ran towards the the guy doing a summersault and wrapping my legs around his neck slamming him into the ground, 

While Widow and Winter took care of the other two, I made my exit hastily, just as I was just about to enter the city I hear footsteps and I pick up my pace only to be tackled to the ground in the process my hood falls off, 

"Y-you're just a kid," Hawkeye said 

I glared up at him and right hooked him, causing him to stumble off of me and I take off running, I hear two sets of footsteps, I come to the edge of a building, I look down to see a pile of trash inside a dumpster, 

I'm along the edge of the tall building my long sandy hair blowing from the wind, 

"Listen kid were not here to rough you up," Hawkeye said 

I turned around and glared at him and Widow 

"Then leave no one's stopping you," I said 

"We can't do that we have to bring you in," Window said 

I glared at her hard, 

"I'm not going with you," I said 

"You don't have a choice," He said 

As I glared at her I smirked and jumped over the edge of the roof, landing in the dumpster 

I see them looking at me from over the edge of the roof, in shock, I pull my hood back over my head and gave them a two finger salute and took off running towards my house, 

                                                   Clint POV 

I have to say seeing that Bullseye is a teenage girl I did not see that coming, I watched as she ran down the street, 

"Kid has guts,and smart" Nat said 

I nodded, 

"But not smart enough," I said smirking showing a screen with a red dot, 

"You put a tracker on here didn't you?" She said smirking 

"Yup," I said 

"We can't keep waiting for her to show up at night," I said 

Nat smirked as we walked down the street,

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