Ch. 104 "Think about it,"

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                                                Bruce POV 

I was running down the halls looking for Stark, I turned the corner running into Steve, 

"Whoa, Bruce where's the fire," Steve said 

"Where's Tony?" I said 

"I think he's in the kitchen," Steve said 

I nodded running towards the kitchen, 

I see Him, 

"Tony," I said 

He looked up and seen the look in my eyes, 

"What is it?' He said 

"I think I got it, I think I cracked it," I said 

We've been at cracking the code to the toxin for weeks, me and Tony hardly getting sleep, but last night I took a blood sample from Hayden, the toxin still strong in her blood stream, so I broke down the components of the toxin, and I think I finally cracked it, 

"I think I finally have the proper components ," I said 

Tony walked with me down the hall, 

"How did you do it?" He said 

"First I separated the toxin from her blood trying to figure out the genetic make up of the toxin," I said showing him the DNA strands on the screen, 

"Then I began breaking down each strand from there," I said 

"Damn you've been busy," He said 

I nodded, 

"Now that we have the proper components, now we need to synthesize a cure," I said 

He nodded, 

"Okay let's get to it," Tony said 

                                         Hayden POV 

The flash back of  the victims, the looks on their faces, the blood, all the blood, the screams, flashed in my mind, 

My eyes  shot open I sat up quickly, sweat falling down my forehead, 

"Nightmares?" I hear 

I see Nat, 

"Something like that," I said sitting on the edge of the bed, trying to slow my breathing, 

I sighed 

"What are you doing here," I said 

"I came here to let you know that they are getting close you'll be getting out of here soon," She said 

I just looked at her, 

"You don't seem happy about this," She said 

I walked up to the glass, 

"That's because I made a decision last night," I said 

"And what would that be?" She asked, 

"I am not leaving this cell even after they give me the cure," I said 

Nat looked a little shocked, 

"What do you mean your not leaving," He said 

"Nat I'm dangerous, if there is a lesson to learn from any of this, is I'm not to be trusted, and it's better for everyone if I'm in here," I said 

"Have you discussed this with Clint?" She asked 

"No," I said 

"Pietro?" She asked 

"No, this is my decision," I said 

"Doesn't seem like a rational one," She said 

"Yeah it is, think about it Nat since I've arrived I've done nothing but screw everything up," I said 

"Hey don't talk like that, do you have any idea the lives you've impacted since you walked into our lives?" She said 

I just shrugged 

"Let me inform you, Steve and Tony were ready to kill each other, Bucky hardly spoke, I was ready to leave, and Clint he was losing himself, being away from home for so long, he hardly talked to anyone anymore, the twins lets just say they weren't making the most rational decisions," Nat said 

"So I just magically fixed everything?' I said sarcastically 

"No, we dropped our problems, because we seen someone who needed us more, even if she didn't want it," She said 

It was quiet, Then I seen her smirk, 

"What?" I said 

"I think you should take him up on his offer," She said 

I arched my brow, 

"Go with him, see the world, explore, enjoy life for once," She said 

"I can't," I said 

"Why not? scared?" She asked 

"No, I just need time, time to recover from this, from my demons," I said 

"Hayden when is ever the right time to do something, you have to let go of the past because it doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is what you choose to be now," She said 

"How? when At every point they find a way to make me hold onto the past" I said 

"That's why I think you should take him up on his offer, after you get cured, travel, see the world, enjoy life, see what there is to see, let him show you what life can be like, hang up the bow and arrows for a little bit, see what the world has to offer, be happy for once," She said 

"Just like that you want me to leave... leave you guys.... leave him," I said 

"We're still going to be here when you do decide to come back, and Clint is a big boy he can fend for himself, you can always give him a call whenever you like," She said 

I think she could see my hesitation, 

"Just give it a thought alright," She said 

I nodded,

Not long after Nat left Bruce came in with Tony, Clint and Pietro, he had a syringe, 

"Looks like we did it kid," Tony said smirking 

I nodded 

If I do, do this, where would we go? I thought 

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